Chapter 23: Meet the pycho girl

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It was a nice day at the beach where we see Mario, Luigi and Y/n standing in front of hotdog stand as they were getting their hotdog.

Mario: Hello Hotdog guy. May I have 500 hotdogs.

Y/n: Jesus 500? Damn how come you are not dead?

Mario just shrugged while Y/n looks at the menu and then ask Luigi behind him.

Y/n: Hey Luigi what do you want? Luigi?

He turn only to see him looking at something that scared him which he just shrugged and then tells the hotdog guy his order. After that they sat on a bench and they started eating.

Mario eats while counting while Y/n scroll down his phones messages while eating his hotdog as he look over to see Luigi still scared which he ask him.

Y/n: Yo you okay? Is king boo here cause you should just ignore him.

Luigi: (scared) It's not that.

Y/n: Then what is?

He slowly points over something behind him so he turn and look around only to see nothing but what seems like a sad teenage girl and other people which confused him.

Y/n: Um are you scared of sand or something? If so pretty sure Anakin can understand your fear.

Luigi: No. Its the one sitting on the bench with the pink hair.

He look over and see her and she doesn't seem scary but looking kinda sad as she look up which made Luigi scared which he hide underneath the table.

Y/n: Your scared of that sad girl over there? She doesn't seem scary.

Luigi: You don't get it. That's Saiko, Boopkings ex-girlfreind.

This cost Y/n to nearly chock his hotdog and soon he coughs it out. He clear his throat and ask Luigi in shock.

Y/n: (shocked) You get to tell me that green fish weeb had a girlfriend?! Holy shit this must be some dream or something because that's nuts. Wait, why did they break up?

Luigi: Because she's a psychopath.

Y/n turns to Saiko as she noticed the trio and then back to Luigi.

Y/n: Sorry but I don't see that.

Luigi: Trust me she's crazy and she'll destroy everything around her in her rage.

Y/n: Right......Well I'm going to talk to her and get her side od the story. Bye~!

He walks off as Luigi thinks he is doom while Mario continues eating as Y/n came up to Saiko and sat across from her.

Y/n: (smirk) Yo.


Y/n: frind there Luigi knows you is that right?

Saiko glances over to Luigi which cost Luigi to scream in fear and flips the table over and they drop to the floor. Mario also fell but continues eating while she turn back to Y/n.

Saiko: Yeah. I guess.

Y/n: Huh you don't seem like yourself. Can you tell me why?

Saiko: Why do you care?

Y/n: (smile) Cause I'm a nice guy. So tell me, what's on your mind?

Saiko: Just leave me alone. You wouldn't understand.

She gets up and walks away but Y/n came up beside her and he ask her.

Y/n: Not to sound rude but Luigi told me that you are a psychopath so....yeah?

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