Chapter 22: Another night at Freddys

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It was a dark and spooky night at the new Freddy Frazbear's pizza as we see the animatronics in where they are at as the whole place is completely dark with no sign of life what so ever.

Then we see Balloon Boy as he started moving. He look up at the camera and sweing it not on and with a childlike chuckle he make his way to a vent to crawl through. Once there he make his crawl, about to take the security guards batteries just to fuck him up. 

He turn a corner and was making his way to the security room as he let out a childlike laugh when suddenly a grenade bounced inside the vent and rolled in front of Balloon Boy.

Balloon Boy: Oh shi-


His parts came flying of the vent as we see Y/n as a security guard as he is on a call with Samus as he tells Samus.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry I'll be fine. Besides I've just took out my first one.

Samus: (phone) Who is it?

Y/n: Balloon boy.

Samus: (phone) Ha, nice. Well if you needed anything, you can call me or any one of us and we'll come over and help you.

Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing. Goodnight Samus.

Samus: (phone) You too.

The call ended and Y/n lend back on his chair and relaxed. The sound of a music box is hard but he isn't gonna do anything about it as we cut to the huge gift present where The Puppet is in and find out that Y/n has chained it up so he won't escape.

This gets Y/n perfect time to suspect Balloon Boy as he check for anything he could find but nothing.

Y/n: Nothing. Well let's see the rest will come.

And they did. The first was Toy Freddy as he sneak his way to the security room. He peak over to see Y/n facing away from him so this was his chance. He rushed up, turn the chair around to kill him but it was a dummy.

Toy Freddy: What?

Suddenly he was shocked in electricity and collapse onto thr ground. Y/n just simply smirk as he drag Toy Freddy to a room near him and chained him up.

Soon Toy Bunnie and Toy Chica decided to split up and take two vents and they kill him together. And so they did as they split up, crawl through the vent and soon they enter the office and find out that he is not in here.

They were confuse as they look around for him, wondering where he might have went. Then a piece of gum fell and landed onto the floor in the middle of them. They look up and Y/n drop down and shock them.

(Hours later)

We see the Toy animatronics gathered and chained up as they all came online and look up to see Y/n kneeling down in front of them.

Y/n: (smirk) Hello there.

They try to break free but couldn't as they were chained up.

Y/n: Oh and don't suspect the broken animatronics to rescue you. I've lock them up when I first came here. I mean all they have to do is to look up the repair room and that's it! Jesus no wonder guards get killed here. Anyways enough of that shit. So.....can you you three talk?

They look at each other for a moment and then turn back to Y/n as Toy Freddy was the first.

Toy Freddy: Yes. We can talk.

Y/n: And do you know that you along with the rest are spirits of the children who died in thid place?

Toy Bunnie: I.....We think so.

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