Chapter 34: Mushroom Kingdom high-school

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It was a normal day at Y/n's house where we see Loona and Samus sat on the couch and watching some TV as Loona switch through the channels trying to find anything goof but nothing what so ever. Samus stared at the TV screen and then glance over to Loona as if she has something in her mind and then she ask Loona.

Samus: Can I ask you something?

Loona: Um sure what do you like to ask me?

Samus: This may gonna sound rude since your a wolf bht I've always been wondering. When a full moon comes, do you howl?

Loona: I guess. I mean in hell there is no full moon but since I've been living here for sometimes might as have.

Samus: Huh.......does it get a annoying?

Loona: A little. Actually I was wondering about you, when you turn into a ball how can you do that without breaking your bones?

Samus: Oh that's......kinda confusing to understand but you see-

Yoko: Hey girls, check this out.

They look behind them to see Yoko wearing a teachers uniform as she shows it to the two of them and ask.

They look behind them to see Yoko wearing a teachers uniform as she shows it to the two of them and ask

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Yoko: (smilez) What do you think?

Loona: Not bad. You try to seduce Y/n when he gets home?

Yoko: (giggle) Maybe but not now. I'm heading off to my job as a high-school teacher.

Loona: You have a job? Why? Isn't a Bounty hunter your favourite job?

Yoko: True but I wanna take a more relaxing job without me risking my life all the time. I remember passing a teachers exam a while back so I got a interview at the Mushroom kingdom high-school and got the job.

Samus: Huh good on you Yoko. I can tell you'll be a great teacher.

Yoko: (smile) Thanks. Say how about I take you two with me to see the school. You two might help out.

Samus: Sure why not, there's nothing much to do right Loona?

Loona: Meh fuck it why not, let's check this place out.

Yoko: (smile) Awesome, let's go.

(A while later)

They arrive at the Mushroom Kingdom High-school and it looks pretty nice with students going into the school building to start the day as Loona and Samus look around.

Samus: (smile) Not a bad place.

Loona: A lot more better then the school I've gone to.

Yoko: (smile) Trust me girl, this school is the best school around and nothing is not gonna ruin it.

???: Move out of the way!

They turn and move away as SMG4 drives a forklift with the forklift carrying a large bin containing Mario, Luigi, Toad, Daisy, Peach, Wario, Boopkings and Bowser as he then dunks them in front of the school buildings entrance.

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