Chapter 13: Going to hell

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We see Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie still in a cage but this time the cage is being hung with a rope as Blitzo tries to bite his way out only to be sprayed with holy water by Y/n as he spray him which made Blitzo hiss like a cat.

Y/n: Oh stop it you. You know that cage is holy enchantment so there is no way you can get out.

Blitzo: Whoa you think of everything, do you now you fuck.

Y/n: Hey at least I'm kind of trapping you guys in your cages rather then killing you or torture you.

Moxxie: Yeah that's a good point there.

Millie: Yeah I agree being trapped in the cage isn't much as bad.

Blitzo: Fucking hate you man.

Y/n: (smirk) Hate you too as well.

We then see the girls watching the add of I.M.P as Samus ask Y/n.

Samus: So they're basically assassins.

Y/n: Yeah basically. They try to kill me by having Loona to trick me of going on a date. (Smirk) Let's just say Loona loved it.

Blitzo: (anger) Only because your brainwashed my daughter!

Y/n: No she just really likes me and how I understand who feelings and her hard fucking life. I mean Hellhounds are treated as shit down there so I understand her pain.

Blitzo: (anger) Well fuck you anyways.

Yoko: He really hates you.

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe but he call me whenever his boyfriend is in trouble or something like that.

Yoko: Huh. Well what should we do with them?

Y/n: Guess we sent them back to hell.

Dimaria: And how are we gonna do that?

Y/n: With a human sacrifice.

They were completely shocked but then he started to laugh and then said.

Y/n: (laughter) I'm joking, I'm joking please follow me.

Seconds later we see them at the basement with Brandish holding the cage of Moxxie, Millie and Blitzo as Y/n pushes a button and a door open, revealing a portal as he type into the coordinates.

Y/n: A friend of mine given me this portal in case I wanna go into hell to have some fun.

Samus: And who is this friend?

Y/n: (smirk) Doomguy.

Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie: (scared) DOOMGUY?!

Yoko: You both know Doomguy?

Blitzo: (scared) One of the most terrifying FUCKING human in hells life! Fuck! H-H-Hey Y/n, We know we try to kill you but if you don't call Doomguy over we might forget about killing your okay?

Y/n: Relax I'm not gonna call him.

Blitzo: Oh thank Satan.

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe.

Blitzo: Wait what?

Then a portal opens revealing a firing hell world as he turns to everyone and asks.

Y/n: (smile) Okay everyone Let's go to hell!

They soon step out of the portal and once the portal closes it the girls were shocked to see the city of hell with demonic creatures floating around and doing their own thing.

Yoko: (surprised) Wow!

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Pretty nice please isn't it. Come on let's drop these guys to their company and say hello to Loona.

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