Chapter 30: Onyx's rise (Arc 5 Final)

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Outside of the ruins of comic con we see everyone that was turned into a T Pose zombie now back to normal as they slowly get up and shake their heads from the nightmare they were in.

Meggy: Are we back?

Bob: Damn, I never wanna do that again.

Luigi: Can't believe we're back.

Maeio: LUIGI!

He turn only to get tackled by Mario while everyone is getting up and shaking off. They think this is all over when suddenly there was a massive explosion and Waluigi was sent flying over head them and towards the city.

Everyone is surprised and wonder what is going on but then they spotted Y/n floating mid air and immediately he flies after Waluigi as they watch him fly off towards the city.

Loona: Um was that Y/n?

Saiko: Well must be him.

Yoko: But he can fly.

Meggy: Come on, let's back him up.

They agree and all race into the city while we cut to Waluigi crashing into the city and crashing into a large building that soon collapses and crashes down.

There was nothing but wreckage when Waluigi punched through the rubble and gets out of it. He shake his head and looks over with his eyes glowing as he sees Y/n landing down and looking up at him.

Waluigi let's out a cry and fired a massive bolt of purple electricity at Y/n and it hit him. There was a massive explosion as Waluigi thinks he got him but to his shock when the smoke clear away he sees him still standing and not a scratch on him.

Waluigi gets even more mad and he charges up his power and then he charges towards him. He pulled back his fist and delivers a massive powerful punch at Y/n's chest. It created a massive a wave of purple energy that shattered the windows, blow away the cars and destroy the road.

Waluigi was left stunned seeing Y/n not moving a inch and nit phase by the punch. Y/n looks down at Waluigi and then he crosses his arms and smirked.

Immediately Waluigi gets pummelled by some invisible force as this cost Waluigi to stumble backwards, moving away from Y/n while Y/n casually walk towards Waluigi while Waluigi keeps on getting pummelled.

As soon Y/n gets close he grabs Waluigi's neck and then he tosses him really really far. He crash into several tall buildings, shattering the glasses and walls before breaking through at the other side where Y/n grabs him by the face and then tosses him towards the ground.

Waluigi crashes heard like a meteor and creating a crater where Waluigi crashes. Waluigi slowly crawl out or the crater and once he did he looks up at Y/n while he looks down at him.

He started to decent down towards Waluigi when immediately a rocket hits him from behind. We see Onyx's soldiers with the soldier holding a rocket launcher cheered and high five to his team mate. Then when tge smoke cleared they arm shocked to see him not having a scratch and he turn towards them.

The soldier with the rocket launcher immediately gives it to his team mate in fear and points his finger at him, trying to take the blame. Then Y/n's eyes started to glow and he shot out a silver like laser beam that immediately vaporised the soldiers within a second.

Nothing was left as the road where the soldiers vehicles and soldier were at was now gone. Seeing this Waluigi turn to escape but bumps into Y/n as he step back as he look back where he was and he moved very quickly.

Immediately Waluigi summon staff and try to hit at him but when he did his staff immediately turn into dust. This leave Waluigi shocked and he steps back while Y/n takes a few steps towards him.

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