Chapter 14: Retrace your steps

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It was a lovely day at the mushroom kingdom as we see Y/n jagging around while listening to "I need a hero by Bonnie Tyler" through his Bluetooth earphones as he is coming up to the castle as he was getting close to the castle only to spotted something strange which cost him to stop and look up to see Yoshi flying around while using his tongue as a helicopter rappeller as he fly around.

He watch Yoshi fly away as he find that weird but shrugged and goes back to his running while listening to his music. Soon he reach the entrance where he sees SMG4 standing there and looking troubled so he run up to him and took off hid Bluetooth earphones while turning off his music and said.

Y/n: (smile) Hey there SMG4. How are things?

SMG4: Not good man. Really not that good.

Y/n: Why, what's wrong? Did someone heck into your YouTube Channel? Or did Mario lost the keys to the castle.

SMG4: No! I can't remember anything!


SMG4: Is that you have to say! The castle is in a huge mess right now and I can't remember what happened.

Y/n: Please the castle is always a mess. How much of a mess can it be?

(Moments later)

We see the two inside the castle and at the living room to see everything is really REALLY in a huge mess. With Teletubbies skipping along, a homeless guy moving around saying "Your a wizard", Bowser is seen hanging while being dressed like a fair while a fat shy guy moves around him and laughing amd smiling like a child, Steven dressing up in Mario's clothes and playing Nintendo games with a demon, Luigi stuck in a egg and moving around in a panic and Toadworth having a blue face and riding on Bowser's flying machines and flying around and laughing like a mad man.

Y/n:.........Huh.....Well shit......if Peach ever finds out about this she will kill you.

SMG4: Well it's a good thing not only Peach is stuck at a barrel of a cannon but she's also unconscious for sometimes.

Y/n: Huh well that will give you and Mario's time to get your both affairs in order. Speaking of Mario, where ie that idiot?

Mario: (upstairs) OH NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!

The two race up the steps to the thrown room and once  there they see Mario naked along with a Teletubbie with a red witch hat on his head as Mario rushes towards the two in a panic.

SMG4: What's wrong Mario! Are you dying?!


Y/n: You have Teletubbie herbies?

SMG4 and Mario:............

Y/n: What? You have no idea how much disease are in those things?


Y/n and SMG4: Oh.

Mario: No! Not "Oh!" You know how ugly my babies will look!

Y/n: Two things dumbass, first of all; Your a man so men won't get pregnant, and second of all; It's probably the reason why girls never want to make love to you in the first place.

SMG4: Still I need to find out what happened and try to remember how all of this started.

Y/n: Well what was the last thing you remember?

SMG4: Well the last thing I remember was Toadworth flying around in thr throne room with Mario captive.

Y/n: I see. Yo Mario what about you, what was the last thing you remember?

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