Chapter 11: A night with animatronics.....and Mario

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We see the Freedy Fazbear'a pizzeria restaurant sitting there in front of Y/n as he looks at the restaurant while he looks down at his phone to see that his job requires him to investigate the restaurant of strange ghostly activity and with him was Samus and Yoko as Yoko ask Y/n.

Yoko: So why does our client want us to investigate a children's pizza restaurant?

Y/n: Well apparently there have been reports of murders within the restaurant and someone hired us to investigate it and possibly destroy them or something but anyways, we just need to heaf inside and find out what's going on.

Samus: And you have to pick this job? You know how i feel with children restaurants. All the screaming, foods being tossed and (a chill) It's pure torture being there.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh relax it will be fine. Besides we gonna spend a night inside the restaurant anyways so by the time that's done, we'll leave before the children come.

Samus: (sigh) Alright then. So what are we waiting for, are we going in or not?

Y/n: Well since we are dealing with possible evil spirits inside, I figure I bring someone who can help.

Yoko: Who?

Suddenly a demonic portal open next to them which made Yoko and Samus to leap back as two female figures came out of the portal, one red and one black as they appear in front of the trio as the portal closes below them.

Y/n: (smirk) Rias and Akeno! Glad you can make it.

Rias: (smirk) Same to you Y/n. The last time we met you helped us battle a powerful demon overlord that threatening the underworld.

Y/n: (smirk) Well I've learn don't go to he bathroom without checking the toilet seat in case a portal opens.

Akeno: (giggle) You are silly.

Akeno hugged Y/n with her breast on his face while Rias does the same all awhile Samus and Yoko were a bit jealous but after that they walk inside the restaurant while Y/n explain to them.

Y/n: Okay we're just gonna stay here for the night and hopefully nothing bad will hap-

Mario: Oh hello there Y/n!

He froze and turn to see Mario there waving as Y/n was confused and ask Mario.

Y/n: What the fuck are you doing here Mario?

Mario: Well I got in trouble by the law after trying to get some money by telling people any question without a licence so now I'm here so I can pay off my prison sentence.

Yoko: Okay so what do you work as?

Mario: I'm a security guard!

Samus: Well that's just great.

Y/n: (sigh) Perhaps maybe I won't be that bad. Let's just get everything ready for the night.

(Hours later)

Midnight came for them as we see tjen gathered at the security room and before Y/n could say anything the phone started to ring. It rang a few times and then Y/n shot it, completely destroying the phone because he find it annoying.

Y/n: Okay so, as we all may or not know (looks ar mario) this restaurant has some evil dark spirits and we need to find out what happened and investigate it. So here's my plan, Yoko, Samus and Mario stay here and look through the cameras, radio us for any movement. Meanwhile me, Rias ans Akeno will head out and look around and see what we can find.

Mario: Cam you find me some Spaghetti.

Y/n: No. Anyways sound like a plan?

Yoko, Samus, Rias and Akeno: Yeah.

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