Chapter 27: Onyx's rise (Arc 2)

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The streets is filled with destruction and buildings have been left in ruins as Onyx's forces along with Waluigi's T Pose army takes control over the city and turning anyone they found into T Pose zombies, adding them to their ranks.

Military forces and super hero's try to stop them however Onyx's forces were  prepared for them as we see the Military soldiers getting overwhelmed by Onyx's forces as their tanks and their forces were getting destroyed and they started to pull back.

We see Iron Man flying through the city and trying his best to take down Onyx's forces only to be shot by a EMP missile that shut down his armor and he falls and crashed onto the ground.

The Flash and Quicksilver did their best to weaken Onyx's force but they were shot by a free cannon and they were immediately frozen in place. All the heros and Military try their best to push forward only for Onyx's forces to crush them.

Even the heroes were turned into T Pose zombies and before long all heroes and military forces either retreated or turned into a T Pose zombie. We then  see Onyx's still in comic con and sitting on his throne on the stage and watching the TV screens of the whole city while eating some popcorn and seeing his enemies have failed.

Onyx: (evil laughter) Man watching these fools trying and failing is very amusing. They all don't realise that I've study everything about them. No way they can't even get through mu defenses.

He laugh once more and then turns to T Pose Luigi which he throws a popcorn and it hits him in the head and there was no movement which makes him smile as he continue eating his popcorn when two of his men came over to him.

Male soldier 1: Sir! We located Y/n's house and breach inside. However the house blown up and taking out most of our squad.

Onyx: So he along with his team is dead? Good.

Male soldier 2: Well not exactly. Although the house did blow up we couldn't find their bodies.

Male soldier 1: Not to mention one of the troops inside told us that there is a telepoter inside the house before I was destroyed by the explosion.

Suddenly the soldier was hit by Onyx's popcorn as he gets up and ask in an angry tone.

Onyx: (angry) So you get to tell me that he along with his team is still alive!?

They node which angers Onyx since he knows Y/n and his team will stop him so he calls out to his men.

Onyx: I want all soldier to search the city and find them! They must have teleported inside the city trying to form a resistance. I remember clearly there is a mercenary bar so go there and find it! Destroy it if you have to!

Soldiers: Yes sir!

They all leave the building and now it was just Onyx and his T Pose zombies as he turn away and take a few steps forward only to stop and let out a sigh.

Onyx: Shouldn't know you'll be here......Master Hand.

He turns back to see Master Hand as Onyx picks up a can of beer while he ask him.

Onyx: You came to surrender?

Master Hand: I'm here to stop you and Waluigi. This has gone too far.

Onyx: Too far you say? If I recall you summon some characters from both Sega and Nintendo to be part of your fighting tournament against their free will years back?

Master Hand: This is not joke! Stop this now!

Onyx: You know Master Hand you can join us if you want?

Master Hand: Why would I join you two?

Onyx: (smirk) Because you always like to have tournaments and I know the government has limit the choices of the people you have picked but once I take over, you can pick whatever people you want. Imagine how large your tournament it could be, you could pull in the best fighting tournament in the world or maybe the whole galaxy has ever seen! The possibility is endless.

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