Chapter 36: Max and Friends daily life

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We see Max laying on his bed sleeping as Max flick his leg a bit and roll over to his back as he keeps sleeping when he heard Y/n calling for him. When he did his ear open and Max wake up and let's out a cute bark.

He roll out of his bed and rushes out of Y/n's bedroom, through the hallway and to the front entrance where Y/n is at as he kneel down in front of Max and tells him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Little buddy. Me and my gang is going heaf out and do some things, we'll be back for an hour. Your the man of the house okay?

Max: Yamp! Yamp!

Y/n: (chuckle) Okay buddy if anyone tries to break in, show them what happens. Won't be gone for long, bye.

He closes the door and Max turns and make his way to the living room where we see Archie, Buster, Belle and Abby piled up on top of each other on the couch and sleeping. Then Buster fell off the pile and was thefirst to wake up.

He then begins playing with them while they are sleeping until all woke up and fell off the pile.

Belle turn to Buster and Belle playful tackle Buster and play around while Abby and Archie make their way to their bowls and begin eating.

Max watches the Skitty's playing around like always. Then Belle fell off the couch which Max walks over and use his nose to help Belle up of her feet. Belle turne to Max and thanks him and then begins to play his tail which Max allows him as they run around for a bit.

Meanwhile we see Sam and Mike sleeping on their own bed together at the corner of the living room and sleeping together as they nuzzle each other. Then Sam woke up as he lifted up his head and let out a cute yawn as he shake his body and leaves the bed.

He sees his food being placed next to him so he begins eating and soon Mike wakes up and walks over and eats his as well. Once they were down they noticed Max playing with Belle all across the living room.

This made Max wanted to take over so he came over and wag his tail to get Belle's attention which it worked and the two begin to play. Max came over and the two share a friendly hello and life is always fun with them.

We then cut to outside of Y/n's home where we see grapple hooks thrown over the wall and Waluigi and Wario climb over the wall and land onto thr property.

Wario: Okay bro let's do this.

Waluigi: I don't know man. What if he's already inside with the rest of his gang.

Wario: Trust me they'll gone. All we have to do is find where he keep his money, steal them and we be rich.

Waluigi: Yeah your right. Let's do this.

They make their way to the home and soon Archie leap onto the kitchen counter near the window and noticed Waluigi and Wario approaching the entrance and gets everyone's attention.

All turn to him and Max beings to bark as if he gives them orders which they not and they split off. Then Wario uses a crowbar and gets the front door to open and they walk in and look around.

Waluigi: Huh he lives a combinable life.

Wario: (smirk) Well not anymore he's not. Let's split up.

The two split off as we see Waluigi walking fown the hallway and soon come across the trophy room which he open and sees a lot of Trophies as he looks around with amazement.

Waluigi: (surprised) Holy crap! If we sell all of this, we'll be rich for sure!

He pulls out a bag and begins loading up the Trophies as many as he could. Little does he know Archie came up behind Waluigi while loading as he looks at the bag and the uses fury swipe to cut the bottom bag open while Waluigi doesn't noticed.

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