Chapter 32: The award ceremony (lemon)

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It is night time as we see a large fancy building where the award ceremony is taking place and we see a lot of famous people entering the building while we see two body guards at the door.

The body guards let's those who are invited into the award ceremony and everything is going smoothly until they stop a guy on his tracks.

Male body guard: Name?

Michael Bay: (smirk) Well don't you recognise me? I'm Michael Bay? Surely I'm on the list.

The body guards pulls out a clip board and looks through and then he looks at Michael Bay and tells him.

Male body guard: Not on the list.

Michael Bay: Oh come on, I'm a famous actor who filmed the transformer films? I did all the amazing explosions and all the action. I'm the greatest film marker ever.

Male body guard: Not on the list. Get lost or else.

This upsets Michael Bay and before there could be trouble a limo park at the entrance and Y/n came out of the limo and make his way to the entrance where to two body guards immediately saw him.

Male body guard: Oh mister Y/n! We were just waiting for you, please come in!

Y/n: Cool, thanks.

The body guards let him in without question while Michael Bay find this to be ridiculous and decided to leave. We see Y/n enter the building and is impress how large the place is and how many people is there.

Y/n: Huh so many people here. This is going to be interesting.

Meggy: Hey Y/n!

He turn to see Saiko, Meggy and Tari as the three girls while wearing fancy dresses approaches him and are impress about his suits.

Tari: (surprised) Whoa! You look good.

Y/n: (smile) I can say the same to you girls. So what brings you here?

Meggy: SMG4 is a guest speaker for this yeare award ceremony and invited us here to watch him.

Y/n: Cool.

Saiko: What about you?

Y/n: Just got a invit to come here and get my reward.

Tari: (smile) Congratulations. What award did you get?

Y/n: Well apparently saving the world I guess and other awards. I want to invite my gang but they have other things to do plus some ain't a fan of award ceremonies.

Meggy: (smile) Well we're gonna wait on the boys, they shou be here soon.

Y/n: Copy that, I'm gonna see they have any food here I'm hungry as hell.

And so he heads off and seeing finding a table fill with food as he begins eating the food. He was minding his own business when someone called out to him.

???: Hey Y/n. Surprise seeing you here.

He turn to see Lucy also wearing a nice dress as she approaches him.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you. Your getting an award as well?

Lucy: (smile) Yep. The world's best author.

Y/n: (smile) Congrats.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks. There is sure a lot of people here tonight.

Y/n: Yeah, it's quite good being in here with a lot of famous people here.

Lucy: (smile) Same. Say after this you wanna come by at my place and "celebrate" our reward?

Y/n: (smirk) Sure, I would enjoy that.

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