Chapter 26: Onyx's rise (Arc 1)

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It was a normal day where we see Y/n pulling up his Deluxo at the parking lot and step out of his Deluxo as he arrives at Comic con where Mario and Luigi invited him to. He make his way over to the front entrance and once there he step inside to see lots of booths being in there with a lot of people dress up as their favourite characters or other things.

He look around the place when Mario and Luigi came over.

Luigi: Hey Y/n, glad you made it.

Y/n: (smile) Glad to be here. Thanks for the invite.

Luigi: (smile) No problem.

Mario: Say you think there is a Spaghetti booth here?

Y/n: Um maybe? I mean who knows what weird crap they stored in this place.

Luigi: Well anyways how's things? Aren't the rest of your gang coming?

Y/n: Nah they're staying at my place. Saying they might be creep out with the weirdos dress up here.

Luigi: True.

Y/n: Anyways I'm just gonna wonder around for a while, see you two later.

Luigi: Sure, have fun.

Mario: Come on let's go!

Mario dragged Luigi award as Y/n just let out a light chuckle and then make his way through the crowd of people. He check out the booths and taking some pictures and looking at the stuff they are selling.

Disbite the weird cosplays he come across everything seems alright as he walk through only to be bumped by someone as the person drop a rubber duck.

???: I'm sorry sir!

Y/n: (smirk) No problem. You okay?

???: Y-Yes. Thank you?

He hell her up and noticed that she had a robotic arm as he help her up as she pick up her rubber duck as he ask her.

Y/n: Nice arm. Is that part of your custom or a actual robotic arm?

???: Oh its very much real.

Y/n: Oh, sorry.

???: Oh no I don't blame you. Sorry again from early.

Y/n: Nah no problem it was only an accident.

Meggy: There you are!

Suddenly Meggy came over and came up to the girl while she turn to see Y/n which surprised her.

Meggy: (surprised) Y/n! Hey what brings you here?

Y/n: Oh Luigi invited me here, what about yourself?

Meggy: Oh just having some fun.

Y/n: (smile) Cool.

???: Um excuse me but do you two know each other?

Meggy: Oh right! Y/n this is Tari, Tari this is Y/n, he's a mercenary and Bounty hunter.

Y/n: (smile) Sup.

Tari: (small smile) Greetings.

Meggy: I met Tari at a theme park. You should have seen her, she has good aiming skills.

Tari: (light laugh) It's nothing I just like playing games.

Y/n: (smirk) Well its nice meeting you. So encounter Mario or Luigi around yet?

Meggy: No but maybe best. Knowing Mario he may cost a explosion.

Y/n: Good point. Say i remember Rebecca is gonna be here so wanna go over and-

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