Chapter 55: Anime war (Arc 7)

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Outside of Lawrence building we see a large group of A.S.S soldiers at the front of his building as guards. Some head off and patrol the streets while some pass the time by playing some cards.

It was a boring day as they feel extremely bored and kinds depress since they have nothing to do. Suddenly an armor car race over and immediately stop as an A.S.S soldiers stick out his body and tells them.

A.S.S soldier: Hey guys! There is a Riot happening with weebs wishing for anime to be ban. Let's kill them!

They all begin to cheer as they quickly climb into their vehicles and then drive off to where the Riot is at. Soon the front entrance is wide open and then we see Y/n looking out of the alleyway.

He looks around and then signals the rest to follow. Mario, Meggy, Yoko, Loona, SMG4 and Luigi sneak across the street and soon gets in front of Lawrence Gate.

They look out and see some turrets on the roof.

Meggy: Looks like we have to take out those turrets.

Y/n: Yeah but we can risk shooting them in case Lawrence tries to escape. We need some kind of a direction to-

Suddenly Mario kicks Luigi in front of the turrets which the turrets turn to detected Luigi while Luigi stares at them.

Luigi: Shit.

Then the turrets open fire while Luigi screams as he gets shot as Mario says.

Mario: There we go now let's go!

Loona: You think Luigi be fine?

SMG4: I'm sure he'll be fine.

They walk by Luigi who is still getting shot and soon they reach the front entrance. Y/n slowly open the door and peaks inside and then he and the rest sneak inside.

They sneak through the halls while being carful to not set any alarms as they keep going. They walk by the kitchen and that's when Mario sees a plate of Spaghetti.

Excited he goes in while Y/n turns back and sees Mario is not with them.

Y/n: Crap.

Mario approaches the Spaghetti and begins to eat it. Then an A.S.S soldier came up to him from behind and ask him kindly.

A.S.S soldier: Excuse me but i believe that is my lu-


He fire his pistol and hits him in the head which he collapses onto the floor. There was a moment of silence and they realised nothing happening.

SMG4: Huh....usually they sound the alar-

(Alarm plays)

SMG4: Never mind.

Soon A.S.S burst through the door and begin to open fire at them. They immediately take cover as bullets fly by them. Y/n, Meggy and Yoko opens fire at them and take a few out while Loona rushes towards them and rip them apart and clearing the way.

SMG4: Let's go!

They rush through with Mario taking a plate of Spaghetti as they rush through the halls and they see Lawrence office up ahead when suddenly Chris and Swag stop them.

Swag: Not so fast! If you wish to get to Lawrence then you have yo get pass us.

Chris: No one can't get pass us.

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