Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Plot BUG (two more)

    Ren Zhaoruo remained in a sluggish state, staring blankly at the sudden appearance of her classmates. She didn't say a word, the atmosphere became a little awkward, and it was time for Ren's mother to come out to make a relief.

    She smiled softly: "Welcome everyone, thank you for coming to visit Ruoruo."     Ding

    Xiao waved, "Auntie, you are too polite! We have nothing to do anyway, just come and see how Ruoruo is doing."

Xiao looked at Ren Zhaoruo next to Ren's mother, and felt a little nervous in her heart - it was all her fault, she should not have dragged Ruoruo to get in the rain, which made Ruoruo sick, and she still looks confused now!

    On the other hand, Ren Zhaoruo, who was 'unconscious', was doubting life, and the system did not let her go, and kept talking in her mind to convince her of its existence.

    [Host, the world you live in is a novel, you are a character in the novel, and everything you experience is an arranged plot. 】

    Ren Zhaoruo didn't want to believe it. Just kidding, if someone suddenly ran up to you and said that you are not a living person, you are just a bunch of data, and your life is arranged, who will accept it immediately?

    But, but she had to admit that what the system said was really realized, maybe these two were just coincidences, what if everything was realized?

    Ren Zhaoruo's mind was so chaotic that she couldn't even control her expression. When she came out of her world, she was greeted by everyone's worried eyes.

    She pulled out a smile, "Hey, everyone, long time no see."

    Ding Xiao leaned over to her, reached out and touched her forehead, "Well... I don't have a fever anymore, that's fine!"

    Shi Jiakai even with Ren Zhaoruo No matter how familiar you are, you can't touch her like this. Seeing that her weather is better than the previous days, she is relieved, "Get well soon, I'll buy you something to drink when I go back to school."

    Everyone's concern made her very Touched, she temporarily forgot about the system. Ren Zhaoruo joked, "Just asking me for a drink? You are too stingy."

    "Tsk, I'm going to be disliked when I treat a guest." Shi Jiakai snorted, "Can you do it for a month?"

    Ding Xiao would not miss this good opportunity to pick up wool, "The listeners have a share, don't forget me. Ding Xiao and Shi Jiakai were in

    a lively atmosphere, and the classmates standing beside Ren Zhaoruo also came to chat with her, concerned about her health, and told her about the gossip that happened in the school, and the ward was very lively. Mother Ren sat aside with a smile on her face, watching her daughter chat with her classmates.

    Wen Yan didn't chat with Ren Zhaoruo with the other students. He was like a transparent person ignored by everyone, leaning on the door frame and looking at Ren Zhaoruo who was surrounded in the middle.

    The girl was amused by other people's words from time to time, her eyes curved into beautiful crescents, Wen Yan was infected by her smile, and her always cold eyes were also somewhat warm.

    Everyone chatted in the ward for a while, and was reminded by the nurse knocking on the door to ask them to keep their voices low. I was so excited just now that I forgot that this is a hospital that cannot make loud noises. The person who spoke the loudest blushed.

    Although there is no need for self-study tonight, some students are staying in the dormitory and have not eaten dinner. They have to rush back to the school to wash up and rest. Ren's mother suggested that everyone go back first, anyway, Ren Zhaoruo will be discharged in a few days.

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