Chapter 85

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Chapter 85: Pursuit Difficulty Increases by 50%

    In order to make up for the missed courses, Ren Zhaoruo has been going home late these days. She feels better studying at school than at home, and her classmates will lend a helping hand.

    Fang Jiexin is a dormitory student. She has to wait in line to wash up when she returns to the dormitory at night. She cannot stay with her too late. At this moment, Wen Yan became the most useful person.

    His academic performance is better than Shi Jiakai and Qian Zihong, and he doesn't need accommodation. He and Ren Zhaoruo live in the same community, and he can stay with her for as long as possible.

    At the end of each evening self-study, he would sit in Fang Jiexin's seat and answer academic questions for Ren Zhaoruo. This was the time when the two were closest to each other. When she explained the topic to her, Wen Yan felt that she could smell the fragrance of her hair.

    Her heart was pounding nervously, but Ren Zhaoruo, who was puzzled, couldn't see his nervousness at all. Her eyes were full of the papers in front of her, not Wen Yan who was close at hand.

    She didn't ask Wen Yan to help her with tutoring for nothing, she would buy a cup of Wen Yan along with her when she was shopping for drinks, and thank him for his help as a guest.

    Before she knew it, Ren Zhaoruo figured out Wen Yan's taste. If she were to hold a party one day, she was confident that she could take care of everyone's taste.

    The system thought that the campus script had started so quickly, and its host actually got enlightened - but after it turned around and asked a few questions, it gave up. The wood of the host will never be enlightened in a lifetime!

    It watched the two of them with cold eyes, one of them blushed and heartbeat, and was showing a heart-warming school drama. One person is studying wholeheartedly, and what he takes is a script without CP.

    If the main man didn't do anything, it would probably be like this all his life. The future of this campus essay is really worrying... After

    Ren Zhaoruo finished writing a paper, she smiled contentedly, "Finally finished!"

    Wen Yan also laughed, "Yeah." There

    are only a few left in the classroom still studying The classmates, no one paid attention to them, and no one saw the doting on Wen Yan's face.

    Ren Zhaoruo glanced at the time and said in shock, "Oh my God, it's so late. Please stay with me until so late."

    Wen Yan replied, "It doesn't matter." trouble.

    Ren Zhaoruo got up and packed his schoolbag, "Let's go? You don't have to buy breakfast tomorrow. I'll try the morning tea made by Aunt Huang. It's super delicious! It's a thank you gift."

    Wen Yan learned from Ren Zhaoruo's circle of friends She likes Cantonese food very much, but he hasn't tried it much, and he doesn't know why she likes it so much.

    Speaking of morning tea, he suddenly remembered that Ren Zhaoruo ate that bun in his first year of high school. He didn't know what the stuffing was, but when he thought of her satisfied look, it should be delicious food.

    Since it's something she likes, she should like it too.

    Wen Yan nodded and said, "Thank you."

    "You're welcome." Ren Zhaoruo winked at him, "It's me who should say thank you." The two put

    on their schoolbags and left the classroom together. The school at night is a bit more gloomy than the daytime. Many ghost stories take place on the campus, but the people next to them are the people they like, and they don’t feel scary at all, and even a bit romantic.

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