Chapter 99

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Chapter 99 Confession

    After Wen Yan came out of the bathroom, she sat quietly beside her, thinking about how she would confess to Ren Zhaoruo later.

    He has never been so nervous to let him write his own manuscript and give a speech on stage, and he is not satisfied no matter how much he thinks about it.

    Don't be bells and whistles, it doesn't sound very reliable. Don't be too succinct. This is a confession, and it is not to urge the other party to pay back the money.

    Wen Yan struggled for a long time, but decided to play it on the spot and say whatever comes to her mind. Sincerity is the most important thing, let her feel her sincerity instead of listening to her boast.

    He sat there, thinking about his own business, and the others didn't bother him and didn't interfere with each other.

    The party didn't end until late at night, just after watching a movie, Ren Zhaoruo stretched and checked the time, she was also ready to go home.

    In the end, there were only four people who lived in the same community. Qian Zihong stayed tonight to sleep at Shi Jiakai's house. Wen Yan didn't want to sleep with the two big men. When he heard Ren Zhaoruo say he was going home, he immediately He stood up and said to go back with her.

    Although her home is in the same community, and the security is very good, nothing will happen, but after all, it's late at night, so it's better for the two of you to take care of each other together.

    Ren Zhaoruo nodded and said yes, took his mobile phone, and said good night to the two bamboo horses.

    "Go back and pay attention to safety." Shi Jiakai sent them to the door, "See you another day."

    "Goodbye." Ren Zhaoruo smiled, then looked at Wen Yan beside him, "Let's go?"



    Outside I don't know when it started to snow, but when Ren Zhaoruo went out, there was already a thick layer of snow on the ground.

    Wen Yan walked in front, she followed behind him and stepped on his footprints, so that she would not have to get her shoes wet with snow. His pace was bigger than hers, and she had to jump a little or take a big step to get to the exact position, just like playing hopscotch with friends back when she was a child.

    She played well and didn't notice that Wen Yan stopped in front of her, she almost bumped into his back.

    Ren Zhaoruo was startled, "What, what's wrong?"

    Wen Yan didn't answer her immediately, but turned around slowly, her eyes locked tightly on her body.

    "I have something to tell you."

    His expression was serious, not like he was joking, Ren Zhaoruo couldn't help standing up, waiting for the person in front of him to speak.

    "You may not believe what I say next, but what I said is true and absolutely not false." Wen Yan said slowly, "You also know that I am not a joker."

    Ren Zhaoruo nodded in agreement , Although Wen Yan is difficult to get along with, he has a relatively straight personality and does not beat around the bush. Satisfaction means satisfaction, dissatisfaction means dissatisfaction, and he expresses his emotions on his face, and it is easy to see his thoughts.

    Being friends with such a person has both advantages and disadvantages, but you don't have to worry that the other party will deceive you, because he doesn't talk rhetorically and only speaks the truth.

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