Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 Stop Ren Zhaoruo's Puppy Love Plan

    It's the beginning of the school season again, no matter how Ren Zhao revises the plot bug, she is now a high school student. Even if she knows the direction of everyone's life, she still has to go back to school when she should be in class.

    Besides her, Ren Yiyun also 'started school'. He and Ren's parents put forward their own ideas, saying that he wanted to go back to school to continue his studies. Ren's parents supported him of course, and even brought the whole family to encourage him.

    It’s been almost two years since he left school, let alone high school knowledge, he has forgotten everything he learned in college, and can’t remember a single bit. In order to keep up with his junior year study smoothly, Ren Yiyun asked Ren Cheming to help him with tutoring.

    There are only a few people in the family who can ask for help. Ren Zhaoruo still has to take care of his studies. Ren Qingmeng is busy with work every day. Ren’s parents and mothers have graduated for many years and can’t help at all. There is only one college student who is the same age as him. Ren Cheming.

    Although still a little embarrassed, Ren Yiyun bravely asked Ren Cheming for help for his future. Ren Cheming, who heard this request, was also stunned, but he quickly nodded in agreement. Anyway, it was boring for him to stay at Ren's house and not go out during this time. Since someone asked him to help, he should lend a helping hand.

    Neither of them wanted to embarrass the Ren family, so they adjusted their mentality to get along with each other.

    This strange combination made Ren Zhaoruo restless. She observed their movements for several days and found that they did not have any signs of quarrelling. Ren Cheming carefully organized the study materials, and Ren Yiyun was very cooperative and obedient. There was nothing wrong except that she was still a little embarrassed.

    Ren Zhaoruo finally felt relieved and focused on his studies.

    ——Anyway, these two people won't get along like the original plot, they won't fight for life and death, whether it's tutoring together, they can wear women's clothes together, and they don't quarrel anyway.

    In addition to studying, the only common topic of the two brothers she was concerned about was her sister.

    Ren Yiyun watched her grow up. When Ren Cheming asked about his sister, he would tell Ren Cheming everything that happened in the past. Most of them are embarrassing things about my sister, and Ren Cheming won't laugh at them, but thinks her sister is really cute.

    "Another time, when I went to pick her up from school, I happened to meet a boy who confessed to her." Ren Yiyun laughed, "You don't know how funny her answer is, you really don't know what kind of boy she will be. will attract her."

    However, Ren Cheming didn't find this sentence funny. When Ren Yiyun thought of the scene where his sister would be with other boys in the future, his smile froze on his face - he was no longer her only brother, and he didn't mind her splitting his love. Half to Ren Cheming, but he didn't want her to give half to her boyfriend.

    Ren Yiyun curled his lips in dissatisfaction and said, "Zhaoruo is a very popular kid, and she has suitors around her since she was a child."

    "I also went to Zhaoruo's school to pick her up from school." Ren Cheming considered his words, "There seems to be a boy... who is interested in her, but

    Zhaoruo doesn't seem to like him, and just treats him as a friend." Ren Yiyun felt that something was wrong, "I seem to know the person you are talking about, is he very tall? There is no expression on his face, he looks like a stinky boy with a bad attitude, and..."

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