Chapter 114

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Chapter 114 The scheming boyfriend

    The Ren family's journey ended, and the Wen family who "joined in midway" returned to Tang City together.

    Ren Qingmeng and Ren Cheming returned to their jobs before they had time to rest. Ren Yiyun didn't want to be an idler at home, so he went to think about his side business.

    Ren Zhaoruo is the most idle person in the entire Ren family. She was the busiest in the third year of high school, but now it is finally her turn to rest.

    Either parent or mother simply handed her a large amount of pocket money and asked her to go out with her classmates and friends.

    At this time, Ren Zhaoruo received a message from Luo Zheng-he was filming a drama of the Republic of China recently and asked her if she wanted to visit the class.

    After Luo Zheng and Ren Qingmeng broke up, Ren Zhaoruo did not cut off contact with him. Some time ago, she was busy studying. Luo Zheng had a schedule to run, and he did not forget to care about her. He even gave her blessings during the college entrance examination.

    Of course Ren Zhaoruo agreed to his invitation, and even she was very interested in TV dramas themed on the Republic of China. After giving Luo Zheng an affirmative answer, Ren Zhaoruo searched the Internet for consultation related to this drama.

    After he broke up with his sister, the resources were not affected, there was no situation where Ren refrigerated him, and he was even busier than before? Play after play, no time to rest at all.

    Ren Zhaoruo didn't know if it was because of her sister's guilt that she asked the company to give Luo Zheng the best resources, or if Luo Zheng wanted to take on more dramas himself, so he didn't have time to think about those sad things when he was busy.

    No matter what the situation is, at least Luo Zheng did not choose to quit the entertainment industry as in the original script. The reason why she thought so was also because she saw an interview with Luo Zheng.

    Under the days of filming, Luo Zheng's state is visible to the naked eye, but when the host asked him about work-related questions, he seemed to be alive and his eyes were full of light.

    He really loves acting, not to make a lot of money, just because he enjoys the state of life where he can experience different roles, he can learn from each role he has played, and learn to look at problems from multiple perspectives.

    All in all, Luo Zheng is doing well, and Ren Zhaoruo is also very happy.

    But after she was happy, the problem came - before she went to visit the class, either she went with Ren Qingmeng, or the crew was local, and it was very convenient to go back and forth.

    Because of the needs of the times, the crew needed to shoot in a foreign film and television city, not a place where Ren Zhaoruo could go home the same day if he went there.

    Luo Zheng has no contact with the rest of the Ren family, and he is not familiar with others, let alone Ren Yiyun, who is not pleasing to the eye when he and Ren Qingmeng are still in love.

    Ren Zhaoruo thought about it, the rest of the family had nothing to do with Luo Zheng, only Ren Cheming. If she acts like a spoiled child, Ren Cheming is also willing to take her there.

    It's a pity that Ren Cheming's work is also very busy, and Ren Zhaoruo is embarrassed to let him let go of the company's affairs.

    After thinking about it, she seemed to be the only one she could rely on.

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