Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Harmonious Coexistence of One Person and One Dog

    The attitudes of the two children who talked to Ren's father were completely opposite, Xu Cheming was calm, while Ren Yiyun was dull.

    Xu Cheming had long thought of this outcome. Before he came to the Ren family, he had imagined different branches. For example, he was kicked out of the Ren family before he said a word. For example, the Ren family refused to believe what he said. For example, the Ren family refused to take a paternity test. recognize his own son.

    He thought about all kinds of possibilities, and the final result was that the Ren family recognized him and went home, which was also the best result. As for leaving Ren Yiyun, it is not unacceptable.     If Ren Yiyun spoke ill of him, he might hate the result, but Ren Yiyun didn't do it - he didn't want the Ren family to be difficult, and it was acceptable to try to get along with Ren Yiyun first.     When Ren's father made this decision, Xu Cheming nodded quickly, making the words prepared by Ren's father completely useless, and his guilt towards Xu Cheming was even deeper.     After Xu Cheming went out, Ren Yiyun came in. Contrary to the calm Xu Cheming, Ren Yiyun was restless and lowered his head, not daring to look at Ren's father.     Hearing Father Ren's decision, he raised his head in astonishment, feeling both fortunate and ashamed in his heart. Fortunately, the Ren family did not abandon him, and he was ashamed that he could not live independently at all, and he had wronged the real child.     Knowing that Xu Cheming agreed with Ren's father's decision, Ren Yiyun was stunned. He had occupied other people's lives for so long, yet the victim was willing to let him continue to enjoy such a life.     What the hell is he...why does he always make trouble for others?     Ren Yiyun pursed his lips and said, "I still..." The words 'move out' were not spoken, but Father Ren stopped him with his eyes.     Indeed, since Xu Cheming thought it was okay, why did he sing the opposite, as if he was so important.     "Then, I'll live here for a while, and when I adjust, I'll move out."     He can't stay in the Ren family all his life, and even if the Ren family accepts him, he can't accept himself like this.

    Father Ren nodded, Ren Yiyun really needs to grow up, they used to pamper him, he didn't go through any hardships at all, it's time to grow up.

    "Then let's go out." Ren Fu eased the atmosphere and said, "Dad, I haven't eaten yet, I'm too hungry."

    Ren Yiyun followed behind him and walked out of the study together, listening to Ren Fu and the rest of the Ren family announcing their discussion the result of.

    He watched the faces of several people nervously, and he was relieved to see the faces of several people as usual - they didn't resist this, they didn't hate themselves.

    Mother Ren finally showed a happy smile, which was exactly the result she had hoped for. Ren Zhaoruo didn't have any trouble in her heart. Bikini was her idea.

    Ren Yiyun's current mental state is not stable. If he is left alone, maybe he will never open, and he will do something stupid.

    To put it bluntly, the living are no better than the dead. If he really did this, the Ren family would remember him for the rest of their lives, they couldn't let him go, they couldn't face Xu Cheming, and everyone was in pain.

    It's better to leave Ren Yiyun behind and give him some psychological construction to let him come out of his sadness than to drive him out and let him go back to an empty home.

    This really wronged Xu Cheming, but there was no better way. It can only see if Ren Yiyun can get out of this hurdle, so that the people of the Ren family don't have to worry so much about his mood and ignore Xu Cheming's mood.

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