Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The Script

    The photo in my hand seems to be a hot potato, not to put it down, nor to hold it. After Ren Zhaoruo heard what the system said, she picked up the photo and observed it carefully. The boy was wearing a white shirt, holding a trophy in one hand, with a 'V' gesture in the other, and a bright smile on his face.

    As far as appearance is concerned, he is not as handsome as his father, he can only be said to be handsome, a type that is more attractive the more he looks. To describe his words in one word, 'neighbor brother' is perhaps the most suitable.

    The camera is focused on his face, and the background is not very clear, only a vague sense of what college student skills competition is, and the trophy he is holding in his hand, it should be a photo taken after a certain competition.

    According to the system, this person is her mother's Bai Yueguang. Ren Zhaoruo had to admit that the first impression left on her was really good, and such a boy is a popular type even now.

    Ren Zhaoruo was in a complicated mood at this time. Young people's view of love is not as 'old-fashioned' as elders. Breakups and divorces are common things, and they do not want to spend their whole lives with the same person. Ren Zhaoruo doesn't really care. He doesn't take falling in love so seriously. Boys who have had multiple girlfriends are not heinous.

    But who hasn't dreamed of a lifetime of love for a couple? Maybe she is still young, has not experienced anything, and is optimistic about her future lover. Now that I hear that my parents have loved people before, I feel like a beautiful dream.

    Ren father and mother have always been synonymous with love in her eyes. When others talk about her parents, they all look envious. There are so many couples who have broken up in relationship. It's not that they pretend to be in a good relationship, but anyone who has been with them can see that the relationship between the two is unbreakable.

    But when they were still young, they once had someone they could not ask for. The white moonlight in their hearts and the photos hidden in the book were the dusty years. If they hadn't missed that Bai Yueguang, Ren Zhaoruo would never have been born in this world.

    Ren Zhaoruo took a deep breath, "System, how many stories I have unlocked, please tell me all."

    [Okay. 】

    She learned the story of her parents from the system. Ren father and mother were only together because of the family marriage. When they first got married, they still remembered Bai Yueguang in their hearts. Later, due to the precipitation of time, those unwillingness gradually dissipated, leaving only the love for each other. According to the current words, it is the so-called love after marriage.

    Thirty years after they were married, they had three children. In fact, the story should end here, but the author is not willing to let them go. When both parents and mothers got married, they knew that the other party had someone in their hearts. Later, no matter how loving they were, they couldn't forget this incident.

    By chance, Ren's father learned that the photo of Bai Yueguang that Ren's mother had hidden was exactly what he looked like when he was young. At the same time, Ren's mother also met the girl Ren's father liked back then. The husband and wife are worried about this, worried that the other party will rekindle the old love of Bai Yueguang, dare not show the real reaction, and subconsciously hide from each other, causing their feelings to walk into an alley, and the two wander in it.

    The constant entanglement in their hearts and the affairs of the children made them haggard. In the end, Ren's mother couldn't stand such an atmosphere and filed for divorce from Ren's father. But Ren's father mistakenly thought that Ren's mother regretted marrying him, and agreed to her angrily. In the end, the two ended in tragedy, one stayed at home and the other went abroad.

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