Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Final Results

    More than five hours have passed, and the identification still has no results. Everyone had no appetite, and Ren Qingmeng called someone to prepare some meals, but everyone could not use it.

    Ren's father and his nervous mother went outside the hospital to breathe a sigh of relief, Ren Qingmeng went out to answer the phone, and there were only three people left in the lounge: Ren Yiyun, Xu Cheming, and Ren Zhaoruo.

    Ren Zhaoruo lowered her head and played with her mobile phone, her attention was not on it at all. Her eyes kept looking at the two brothers, observing the changes in their expressions. Now there are only three of them left, and if they fight, she can't stop it!

    "Can you...can you tell me about your parents?"

    Ren Yiyun who suddenly spoke startled Ren Zhaoruo. They wouldn't quarrel, would they? Should she send a message to call her sister back right away?

    Xu Cheming was stunned for a moment, but at first he couldn't realize that the words were addressed to him, and he thought Ren Yiyun was talking to Ren Zhaoruo.

    "Of course you can." Xu Cheming nodded, "They don't put on the air of their parents, they get along with me just like with friends, they are very relaxed and comfortable, they can talk to them about anything on their minds, they will listen carefully, yes Comfort me."

    "At that time, my friends envy me for having such considerate parents." He smiled, "And he said he wanted to be my 'younger brother'."

    Actually, it can be seen from Xu Cheming's attitude and his character. How did his parents educate him at that time? Although he only got along with the Xu family's parents for a few years, their teachings have influenced him to this day. Everyone who has been with him will say that his family education is really good.

    Ren Yiyun nodded blankly, Ren Zhaoruo couldn't see what he was thinking.

    Both the Ren family and the Xu family are very good to their children. It is impossible to say who is worse than the other, and they will not be jealous that the other has such good parents.

    Ren Yiyun didn't know why he asked such a question. Maybe he already had a hunch that the result would not be what he expected. Now asking in advance is also to prepare himself mentally - on the matter of parental care , he did not suffer, nor did he feel sorry for Xu Cheming.

    Xu Cheming saw that the other party wanted to know about the Xu family's parents, so he took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album, "Look, this is their photo, it may be a little blurry."

    "Thank you." Ren Yiyun stretched out his hand, only to realize His hands were shaking all the time. He took Xu Cheming's cell phone and looked at their photos with mixed feelings.

    Ren Zhaoruo, who was on the side, was dumbfounded. If they got along like this in the original plot, how could they end up like that!

    In fact, Xu Cheming, who had just been reborn, did have a lot of grievances against the child who exchanged lives with him. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have to go through these things. But when he calmed down, he realized that Ren Yiyun couldn't be blamed for this. It wasn't what Ren Yiyun thought, it was the head nurse's mistake back then, and both of their children were innocent.

    In addition, after getting along with the Ren family, especially Ren Zhaoruo, Xu Cheming wanted to have a good relationship with Ren Yiyun, and he didn't want the Ren family to be difficult because of their bad relationship.

    ——As long as Ren Yiyun doesn't speak ill of himself or target himself, he can endure it.

    His worries were unnecessary, Ren Yiyun didn't target him at all, and he didn't even say a few words to himself. There is also Ren Zhaoruo who always pays attention to his mood, and nothing he imagines will happen.

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