Chapter 79

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Chapter 79 The hero who finally showed his face

    Before going to bed, Ren Zhaoruo reviewed the plot of the true and false master's script with the system. In fact, all the problems in the original plot were due to the attitude of Ren's family. If they treated the two children fairly and didn't favor one and ignore the other, they would be fine. Something like Xu Cheming's blackening and ruining the Ren family will not happen.

    Although he already knew the follow-up plot, Ren Zhaoruo still slept very restlessly, waking up every hour until dawn.

    She was called to have breakfast by Ren's mother, she had no appetite, and her eyes were full of her bed.

    ——Can you take an extra day off tomorrow to let her rest at home?

    Ren Yiyun still didn't show up, the others at the table were eating breakfast calmly, Ren's father and Ren's mother were discussing this morning's news, Ren Qingmeng took the mobile phone to assign work to the secretaries, maybe she didn't have time to go to the company today , the work can not be left behind.

    Xu Cheming ate breakfast quietly, while Ren Zhaoruo drank a few mouthfuls of porridge copingly, and considered it full.

    After dinner, Ren Zhaoruo and Xu Cheming went upstairs to change their clothes, just as Ren Yiyun went downstairs, Ren Zhaoruo was shocked, what kind of exciting picture was this.

    It's just that nothing as imagined happened, the two just exchanged glances and passed by.

    At the moment when they passed by, Ren Zhaoruo felt that her heartbeat stopped. At that moment, she seemed to see an angel waving to her. Fortunately, the two of them lived in peace. After all, in the original plot, the two were fighting to the death and death, but now they are so harmonious, she couldn't believe it.

    Xu Cheming turned to look at Ren Zhaoruo who was a few steps behind, "What's wrong?"

    Ren Zhaoruo shook his head quickly, "It's okay, I'm here."

    She went back to the bedroom and changed into the clothes she prepared last night.

    The paternity test was conducted at a private hospital, and there was no relationship with Ren, and there would be no case of being bought off by interested people.

    Ren Zhaoruo stuffed some cool oil and the like in his pocket before leaving. If someone faints, these things should come in handy?

    She sorted out the items to bring, but when she got down, everyone else was ready, sitting in the car and waiting for her to get on.

    Ren's father and Ren Qingmeng each drove a car. When Ren Zhaoruo saw who was in the car, she took a deep breath.

    Ren Yiyun was in the car of Ren's father and mother, while Xu Cheming was sitting with Ren Qingmeng. The two brothers are sitting in different cars. Does this mean that she should start making choices now? Then she chose to take a taxi.

    But this is just talk, Ren Zhaoruo finally chose Ren Qingmeng's side.

    Mom and Dad seem to have a lot to say to Ren Yiyun, and Ren Yiyun's reaction yesterday, Mom is also very worried, if Ren Zhao is not convenient to sit with them, he will not get into their car.

    Xu Cheming sat in the co-pilot, which was originally Ren Zhaoruo's seat, but he didn't want to sit in the back row to make Ren Qingmeng look like a driver, so he chose the co-pilot.

    Ren Qingmeng looked back at Ren Zhaoruo, "If you sit down, I'm going to drive."

    Ren Zhaoruo nodded obediently, "Yeah." It's

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