Chapter 86

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Chapter 86 BKing with repeated horizontal jumps

    Before the final exam, the only chance to relax is probably Shi Jiakai's birthday. A year ago, they were still enjoying the leisure of the first year of high school leisurely, but when they were in the second year of high school, all they thought about was studying, and they didn't even think about how to play.

    It is estimated that when they were in the third year of high school, they might not even think about their birthdays, and would rather finish writing the papers piled up in the hills than waste time celebrating their birthdays.

    This year, Shi Jiakai's birthday is on a working day, so he can't have a party at his house like last year, he can only celebrate it at school. Go, you just have to be there on time anyway.     When they arranged everything and came to Ren Zhaoruo, she was explaining the topic to Shao Wenbin. Although she needs Wen Yan's help, it is still possible to assist Shao Wenbin, who has no strengths other than English.     Qian Zihong winked at her and said, "Okay, let's go."     Ren Zhaoruo nodded, "Do you understand this question?"     "Understood." Shao Wenbin smiled and glanced at Qian Zihong curiously , asked, "Where are you going?"     Ren Zhaoruo answered truthfully: "It's Stone's birthday, let's celebrate it for him."     "That's right." Shao Wenbin was not surprised that they did not invite him to participate, Ren Zhaoruo's friends have been inexplicably hostile to him since he transferred over. The semester is almost over, and they haven't gotten their good looks yet.     But Shao Wenbin didn't care too much, I guess they were worried that they would take Ren Zhaoruo away.     Shao Wenbin looked at Shi Jiakai and said, "Then... I wish you a happy birthday."     Since he heard that Shi Jiakai's birthday is today, it would be rude not to say happy birthday to him. to say.     Shi Jiakai was a little embarrassed. Before, he and a few boys chatted badly about Shao Wenbin behind his back. Now they wish him a happy birthday.

    He touched his nose, "Thank you, thank you."

    "You don't have to worry about my side. If I don't understand anything, I'll ask the academic committee." Shao Wenbin looked at Ren Zhaoruo, "You guys have fun."

    "Okay." Ren Zhaoruo sorted out the textbooks he used just now, "Hurry up and eat in the cafeteria, there is no one at this time."

    After receiving Shao Wenbin's reply, Ren Zhaoruo followed Shi Jiakai and the others out of the classroom.

    With the experience of celebrating Wen Yan's birthday at school last time, this time I was more prepared than last time, and Wen Yan's birthday was in September, so I could just find a space in the playground to sit down, but now it's January, so I definitely can't be there. If you sit outside, it is estimated that you can turn into a popsicle within a few minutes of sitting down.

    Shi Jiakai didn't know who to borrow an empty classroom, which was probably the club's activity room. He and Qian Zihong simply set up the classroom, which looked more like a party.

    Ren Zhaoruo looked at it and shook his head, Shi Jiakai always likes these bells and whistles.

    "Sigh, Shito's birthday is really suffocating." Qian Zihong sighed, "I have to celebrate at school, it's not a birthday at all."

    Ding Xiao rolled her eyes, "Last time you weren't at school. Did you celebrate Brother Yan's birthday? Could it be that Brother Yan's birthday is also very awkward?"

    Qian Zihong immediately shut up and didn't dare to speak, how could he forget this!

    Fang Jiexin smiled and said, "Wen Yan's birthday is rather embarrassing. The rest of us may have winter and summer vacations or weekends, and September 1 is the eternal school day, so there is no way to escape it.

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