Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    The first time Ren Yiyun heard the name Wenyan, he heard it from his mother. At first he thought it was a friend of Ren Zhaoruo who grew up with him, but he didn't remember any of his sister's playmates with the surname Wen. , but he didn't take it to heart, he didn't need to interfere in his sister's life.

    But after he heard the name Wen Yan from his grandparents, he felt something was wrong. Although Ren Zhaoruo's friends came to play at home and his family knew him, they didn't mention it so often?     ——What made him even more unhappy was why the person he had never met would be 'taller and more handsome than him'. He Ren Yiyun refused to accept it. Did his family like this Wen Yan so much? Even the evaluation of Wen Yan is higher than himself.     When the family mentioned Wen Yan again, Ren Yiyun began to pay attention to their conversation and wanted to know how sacred this Wen Yan was.     It turned out that he only moved to Tang City a few years ago, not Ren Zhaoruo's Bamboo Horse, but her classmate who also lived in this community.     Ren Yiyun captured several details: classmates, neighbors, and the relationship between the two is not bad. He suddenly had an idea—could this Wen Yan be interested in Ren Zhaoruo?     I can't blame him for thinking too much. Ren Zhaoruo has so many friends of the opposite sex, and there are bamboo horses who live in the same community. Why haven't they been mentioned?     Ren Yiyun checked Ren Zhaoruo's circle of friends, opened the group photos she posted, and identified who the people in the photos were. He recognized his sister's two bamboo horses, after all, he watched their children grow up.     The remaining two unfamiliar faces he did not recognize. One is the iceberg man who looks very nasty at first glance, and the other is a gentle gentleman with a gentle face. Ren Yiyun put 'Wen Yan' directly into the latter, after all, it's not the kind of person who looks like someone else owes him a lot of money, after all, right?     My sister has also reached the age of falling in love. It's normal for someone to like her or she likes others, but Ren Yiyun always feels very uncomfortable. The Chinese cabbage that has been raised for a long time was arched by a pig, and this pig doesn't look like a good pig. Better not talk about it.

    But looking at her sister's performance, it doesn't look like she's in a relationship. Could it be that the boy is unilaterally ingratiating himself, not that the sister introduced her boyfriend to her family in order to pave the way for a puppy love?     Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the case. The character of my sister does not seem to be a person who is in love. Of the three children in the family, only the eldest sister has had a boyfriend. He and his younger sister are both single, but he simply does not want to fall in love, while the younger sister is not enlightened and has no idea what love is.     A few years ago, he went to pick up his sister from school and witnessed the scene of her confession. He originally wanted to stop him, but his sister stopped him with one sentence, and even held back his laughter until he was going crazy-     "You like me? I I also like you very much, but I never thought about being with you, aren't we friends?"     Please, when you are holding the flowers and chocolates that the other party gave you, can you politely refuse the other party and give them directly to the other party ? Send a good person card what is this, and the tone is a little green tea. If she wasn't his sister, Ren Yiyun would definitely complain, but if she was her sister, he would only applaud.     Just do it! His brother doesn't even have a girlfriend, what kind of love is there for a child, and none of the boys outside are worthy of her.     Ren Yiyun has already thought about how to respond if he encounters a relative who is urging marriage in the future. He even helped his sister come up with a set of reasons, waiting for it to be useful.     -Unfortunately, his hopes were lost. In the end, he was the only one who was single.     ***     In the library, several people looked at each other awkwardly. Wen Yan didn't know why his future uncle—cough, he didn't know why Ren Zhaoruo's brother had such an attitude toward him, but he could understand. If he had a sister himself, and met a boy who liked his sister, he would also have such an attitude.     Since he doesn't seem to like him very much, the words he rehearsed just now are useless, so that the other party will not feel that he is flattering and is deliberately trying to please him.     Wen Yan said calmly, "Hello."

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