Chapter 116

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Chapter 116

    This was undoubtedly the most difficult meal Xiaowen had ever eaten.

    Luo Zheng and Ren Zhaoruo chatted happily, completely ignoring the presence of Wen Yan beside him.

    Wen Yan couldn't interrupt their topic, so they could only listen silently, occasionally serving Ren Zhaoruo with vegetables to show his presence, but Ren Zhaoruo simply said thank you, and his attention was still on Luo Zheng.

    Xiaowen didn't dare to speak, and didn't dare to remind them to give Wen Yan some attention. He just lowered his head to eat - he didn't ask for trouble, and don't come to him if trouble.

    As for Wen Yan, he was really a little unhappy, but he thought that Ren Zhaoruo had not seen his friends for a long time, so it is normal to talk to his friends more now.

    I can see her every day, so I don't need to worry about it with outsiders, right?

    After dinner, Luo Zheng wanted to take them back to the hotel, and Wen Yan, who had not spoken, said the first sentence of the evening.

    "No need."

    Luo Zheng and Ren Zhaoruo looked at him together, Wen Yan explained calmly: "There may be media outside, and there may be fans, as long as those who follow you know that you are filming here, if you take us to the hotel It will inevitably make people misunderstood."

    This is true, those who were present when Ren Zhaoruo and Luo Zheng were rumored last time still remember that Luo Zheng did not want to cause any more trouble to Ren Zhaoruo.

    Luo Zheng didn't say much, "Then you pay attention to safety."

    Ren Zhaoruo nodded and was about to speak, but was hugged by Wen Yan, and she was shocked that she forgot what she wanted to say for a while.

    Wen Yan put the hat on Ren Zhaoruo's head, "Thank you for your concern, but I will take care of my girlfriend myself."

    Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows, this person declared sovereignty so quickly? Appearance is quite indifferent, but jealousy is first-class.

    "Let's take a step first, please wait and then go out." Except for Ren Zhaoruo, Wen Yan was not so patient with others, not to mention that he didn't want to see Ren Zhaoruo lying innocently.

    One is Ren Zhaoruo's boyfriend, and the other is a brother who regards Ren Zhaoruo as his own sister. If his eyes could be turned into weapons, he would have fought hundreds of times in the morning.

    Ren Zhaoruo felt that something was wrong between the two, and she didn't know why they were like this, so she had to pull Wen Yan away and separate them.

    "Then let's go first." Ren Zhaoruo didn't forget to turn around and wave to Luo Zheng, "Goodbye."

    After sending the two away, Luo Zheng sat back in his chair, remembering Wen Yan's actions just now, and said to himself, "That's also the case. Good."

    No matter how indifferent Wen Yan is to others, at least his attitude towards Ren Zhaoruo is enthusiastic, and what he says to himself is not very pleasant, but it is all for Ren Zhaoruo's sake.

    Maybe...the two of them can really have a perfect happy ending.


    two returned to the hotel, and Ren Zhaoruo just received a call from Ren's father.

    Father Ren's tone was a little unhappy. He always felt that his daughter had grown up and didn't need their care. Ren Zhaoruo was forced to coax his father, and his saliva was almost dry, but Ren's father was barely happy.

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