Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 The supporting role is actually myself (one more)

    The system's words were very effective, and successfully made Ren Zhaoruo lose sleep. She stared at the ceiling with her eyes wide open, but she couldn't fall asleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, she began to make up what the system said in her mind. Just like pressing the autoplay button, those words rang in her ears again.

    Since he couldn't sleep, Ren Zhao didn't fall asleep because he was brittle. He took his mobile phone and flipped through the novels on the Internet. The battery has dropped a lot, and in order to watch the follow-up plot, I also charged a lot of money. Until it was almost dawn, she fell asleep with her mobile phone in a daze, and when she was woken up, her head still ached, which was a loss of money and people.     In the past, Ren Zhaoruo was very excited to read these time-travel novels, and even complained about those difficult systems for the heroine, but when she now became a suspected—she must add this adjective—a character in the book, Can't be happy anymore.     With dark circles under her eyes, Ren Zhaoruo drank the porridge in small sips. Because of her dull mood, the white porridge seemed more bland than ever. She didn't sleep well last night and had no appetite, but Ren's mother told her to eat three meals well, so she could only be obedient.     The so-called "knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy and winning every battle", last night she read the novel all night, just to find a way to fight against the system. There are various systems in the novel, and Ren Zhaoruo sees that the protagonist will be punished for not completing it, except for those strange methods, and even electric shocks - she is not willing to suffer these innocent disasters!     She would rather be treated as a mental patient and sent to a mental hospital than accept these punishments!     [Host, are you willing to respond to me now? 】    The system naturally knew that Ren Zhaoruo had read a novel last night, and it was the first time the system realized what it meant to be dumbfounded. The data speculates many possibilities for it, but perhaps the most realistic is that the host is too young to think so complicatedly.     Thinking about it carefully, she is only fifteen years old. She grew up with the love of her family. She has never seen any darkness, so naturally she will not think too deeply. Instead, it seemed that the system had opened the door to a new world for her, forcing her to grow up overnight.

    The system expressed grievances, it just wanted to fix the plot bug, that was its job, and it didn't want to embarrass anyone. However, if Ren Zhao is the most suitable host, no one is more suitable than her, even if the system wants to be the bad guy, it will recognize it.

    "..." Ren Zhaoruo pouted and glanced at the remaining half of the porridge. He simply picked up the bowl and drank it in one go, then wiped his mouth with a tissue, and said, "I'll get back to you, okay?"

    [Trust the host After thinking, I also have some consideration for what I said. Since fate made me choose the host, I also hope that the host can trust me, and we will work together to correct the plot bug. 】

    "Then you said to fix the bug, what exactly is the bug that asked me to fix it for you?" Ren Zhaoruo didn't want to believe it, but he had to understand the situation first.

    [Our goal is to reverse the plot of those BEs and turn them into HEs, so that the story can develop smoothly. 】

    Ren Zhaoruo remembered what the system said yesterday, the author of this novel overturned all the previous plots in order to write a new novel, resulting in plot conflicts - this can only be shouted outrageous.

    She herself is also a novelist. Whenever a new novel is adapted into a film and television drama, she sees those plots that are completely inconsistent with the original novel, and even for the sake of fanfare or selling feelings, she insists on letting some people who should not appear on the scene. When the character appears, she will feel very disgusted, and even her enthusiasm for the original book will be reduced.     Since these authors want to write series, why can't they organize the timeline? The series is linked, the ending of each book is unfinished, and every foreshadowing will be revealed. When the stories are connected in series, the background setting should be clear and clear, and readers should not be confused and confused.     If there are the same characters appearing, but the timeline or plot does not match the previous work, why was it arranged as a series in the first place? Wouldn't it be better as a standalone story?     What's more, write the sequel like a fan-written fan. Ren Zhaoruo felt that the author of the novel was short of money and wanted to make money desperately, so she wrote it casually.     The more Ren Zhaoruo thought about it, the more he felt a sense of substitution, but he was still a little angry, "I understand what you mean, and I'm also annoyed by such messy novels."

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