Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 The Return of Ren Yiyun

    When Xu Cheming was woken up by the alarm clock, he couldn't turn his head around until he saw the time on his phone. He slept so soundly last night that he couldn't tell what time it was when he woke up.

    In the past, I had to take care of my studies and work every day, and I fell asleep as soon as I lay in bed when I was so tired. After his rebirth, he slept unsteadily every day, for fear that this was just a dream of his own, and when he woke up, he was still a patient lying in bed unable to move.

    He slept the most peacefully last night. I don't know if it was the conversation with Ren Zhaoruo before bed that made him relax, or because this was his real home, and resting in his own home made him more comfortable physically and mentally.

    Xu Cheming set an alarm clock before going to bed. He was afraid that he would oversleep and leave a bad impression on the Ren family.

    The room he lived in had a separate bathroom, and Aunt Huang prepared towels and bath supplies for him. The Ren family was indeed a wealthy family member, and even this unoccupied room was bigger than the house he lived in in Yuan District, and it also had a bathroom and a cloakroom.

    There are also children's handwriting and some cartoon character stickers on the wall. It can be seen that children have lived here before. Aunt Huang just said that this is a room that has not been lived in for a long time. Xu Cheming guessed that this person is Ren Zhaoruo.

    Looking at the words left by Ren Zhaoruo on the wall when she was a child, she seemed to be able to see her when she was a child, and to know what weird thoughts she had in her mind when she was a child.

    It may be because this room is usually unoccupied, and the Ren family did not deal with these traces on the wall, but Xu Cheming felt that it was more warm with these traces. This is Ren Zhaoruo's memory, and it is also one of the few ways for him to know the past of the Ren family.

    He and the Ren family have been missing for more than 20 years. They don't know how they came here before, and he doesn't know what stories they have experienced. But it's not too late, he can accompany his parents to grow old, share the troubles of his sister's work, and witness his sister grow up.

    Xu Cheming left the bedroom after washing up. Ren Zhaoruo's door was closed and he didn't seem to get up yet. He subconsciously stepped lightly to the first floor.

    Aunt Huang happened to be busy in the kitchen, and she was a little surprised when she saw him, "Why do you get up so early and don't sleep for a while?"

    "Good morning." Xu Cheming smiled, "I'm used to getting up at this time."

    He looked around, "Do you know where the others went?"

    "Miss Zhaoruo won't get up until noon until noon, and Miss Qingmeng went out early in the morning. The husband and wife are probably in the garden." Aunt Huang Asked, "Do you want to have breakfast first?"

    Xu Cheming shook his head, "Don't bother, I'll eat with the others."

    "Well, let me know if you're hungry." Make sure the other party doesn't need any help Aunt Huang continued to work on breakfast.

    Xu Cheming decided to go to the garden to find his father and mother. Yesterday, I saw a large flower field in the Ren family outside the door, which shows that he is a flower lover.

    When he came to the garden, Ren's parents and Ren's mother were busy in the garden. Seeing his arrival, Ren's mother greeted him warmly.

    "How did you sleep last night?"

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