Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 The warmth of the family

    Ren Zhaoruo buried her head in Mother Ren's arms, and was reluctant to let go of her. Mother Ren smiled and patted her on the back, silently comforting her little daughter.

    Ren's father joked on the side: "If you miss your father and mother so much?"

    Ren Zhaoruo replied dully, "Yeah," and looked up at his father beside him, with a resentful look in his eyes, "You have left me alone so much. God, Dad, I'm really super angry!"

    Ren's father reached out to comb her messy hair, "That's really wronged us Ruoruo." Ren Yiyun,

    who had been ignored all the time, couldn't help but interrupt: "Why are you alone? Didn't I come back to accompany you? You have no conscience."

    Ren Zhaoruo made a face at the childish brother, only to find that he was eating the specialties brought back by his parents, as if he had eaten them all. Not at all left to the urge of sisters and sisters.     Ren Zhaoruo frowned and said,

    "Don't eat so much! Save some for me and my sister!" Ren Yiyun raised his eyebrows, "I thought you were full of water, so you don't need to eat these snacks when your parents are here."     Ren Zhaoruo Rolling his eyes at him, Ren Yiyun chewed something exaggeratedly. This is the daily operation of the two brothers and sisters. They seem to be uncomfortable if they don't quarrel for a day. Either parent or mother is used to it.     Both the parents and the mother looked at each other with helplessness and doting on their faces. What else could the child who was spoiled by oneself do? Keep getting used to it.     Mother Ren coaxed Ren Zhaoruo, who could hang the oil bottle on her mouth, "If Ruoruo, let's try the snacks that mom bought? Don't worry that your brother will finish it. Mom bought a lot, so you can definitely eat enough."     Ren Zhaoruo instantly Full of energy, he left his mother's arms and went straight to the specialty beside Ren Yiyun. She gestured with her eyes to let Ren Yiyun give up the position to her, Ren Yiyun moved a little position for her, Ren Zhaoruo directly used her strength to grab the position with him, but she didn't expect Ren Yiyun to do this and was hit by her. He fell on the sofa and looked at this filial sister who attacked her brother for a little snack in horror.

    Originally, Ren Zhaoruo was overworked and exhausted from studying for the exam papers in the evening, and she was using her brain just now to deal with the clothes. Now she is too hungry, but she doesn't care about manners.

    Ren's mother, who got rid of Zhao Ruoxiong, felt that her whole body became relaxed. Ren's father put her arms around her shoulders. The husband and wife smiled at each other, watching the two brothers and sisters fight.

    Ren Yiyun simply pushed all the snacks in front of Ren Zhaoruo, so that she would not do it to herself again. Anyway, he was already half full, and it was not suitable for him to eat so much at night.

    "By the way, Dad and Mom, why did you suddenly extend your travel plans? Didn't you just go to an event at the beginning?"

    "That's right. Our old friend invested in a small town and transformed it into a place for vacation and leisure. Small village, he invited us to participate in the opening event." Father Ren looked at his wife, pursed his lips and smiled, "My wife and I are fascinated by the scenery of the small town, this is a scenery that cannot be seen in the city, we I don’t think I can miss this opportunity.”

    Ren’s mother naturally took over what Ren’s father left unfinished, “So we stayed there for a few more days and enjoyed the slow life in the town. Holiday."

    Father Ren did not forget to show his affection with Mother Ren, "We two live in a two-person world, you won't have any opinions?" After

    saying this, what else can the two children answer? Is it possible that they want to Protest against parents going on vacation?

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