Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 The best friend is bigger than her boyfriend

    What is it like to live in the same neighborhood as your boyfriend? Even when you want to date, you can't find the right place.

    If you go to the other party's house on a date, the other party's family members are there, so they don't dare to speak loudly. If you find a place in the community, you will meet people you know on the road, maybe in a few days the whole community will know that they are going on a date.

    There are classes from Monday to Saturday, and only Sunday is off. If you finish your homework early, you can go out on a date. If you have a pile of papers waiting to be written, you have no time to think about other things, let alone a date.     As a result, the time at school became Ren Zhaoruo and Wen Yan's 'alone time', but there were light bulbs around them. It doesn't matter to them, it's just that other people will suffer more and eat dog food all the time.     Usually, you have to study hard during class time. You can only spend a few more minutes with each other after class. The schedule is full and you can learn to love.     Originally, Ren Zhaoruo was eating with his girlfriends at noon, but since he was with Wen Yan, there has been one more person eating with him. However, they showed their love every day, Ding Xiao and the others couldn't bear it, so they 'isolated' the couple, the girls found another table to eat, leaving the two of them sticky there.     Qian Zihong wanted to join them. He and Shi Jiakai were bored to eat and wanted to find someone to chat with. Before he could sit down, he was persuaded by Wen Yan's eyes, and walked away with his lunch in despair.     Shi Jiakai taught a lesson: "What do you say you are going to do, you have to get involved in a couple's meal, aren't you afraid of death?"     Qian Zihong looked aggrieved, "Is this the case in the future? Zhao Ruo is not with us. Is it a grown-up green plum? I think it’s not enough to eat with Faxiao. Brother Yan, this is too domineering, hmm—”     Shi Jiakai covered Qian Zihong’s mouth and forced him to leave, Ren Zhaoruo replied in confusion. overdone.     "What were they talking about just now?"     "Don't worry about them." Wen Yan picked out Ren Zhaoruo's favorite green pepper from her bowl and put it into hers, "Let's eat first, didn't you mean you wanted me to explain the topic to you? We'll go to the library after dinner."

    Ren Zhaoruo nodded, "Okay."

    Seeing that she no longer bothered about what Qian Zihong said, Wen Yan lowered her head to eat seriously, and he pursed his lips and smiled.

    In the past, he couldn't understand why his parents were so sticky. They had to eat together and wash the dishes together. Now, after being with Ren Zhaoruo, he realized that he wanted to be with her all the time, and he was unwilling to part. .

    ——At that time, he also vowed not to do this with his girlfriend in the future, and now his face is 'swollen'.

    There are still more than two months before the college entrance examination, and both of them are working hard, even harder than before.

    No reason, just to prove that falling in love does not affect their studies, they don't want to be crowned by others with 'falling in love will make people's grades worse'.

    It is indeed embarrassing to decide to be together at this time, but Ren Zhaoruo and Wen Yan are not people who will leave their studies for love. Even if they fall in love, it will not affect anything. What they were before is what they are now.     The parents of both parties will not break them up for this reason, but more or less some secretly hope that they will break up, hoping that they will fail the college entrance examination to prove that falling in love is a bad thing.     Then let's slap these people in the face and tell them with a perfect grade that falling in love is not an excuse for not working hard, and you can still study hard when it comes to falling in love.     ***     At the end of school, Fang Jiexin wanted to ask Ren Zhaoruo if she wanted to have supper, but she turned her attention to the boy beside her and gave up her thoughts.     Fang Jie said with a sigh, "Oh, I should have gotten used to it, you won't play with us if you have a boyfriend." Ren     Zhaoruo     blushed, "Of course I won't leave you guys behind!" I want to chat with my boyfriend and not gossip with us, and I have to go out on a date on weekends." Fang Jiexin gave her a sideways look, "What a good friend."

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