Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 The Importance of Speaking

    Wen Yan opened his eyes, Ren Zhaoruo beside him was still asleep, he checked the time, it was past nine in the morning.

    He reached out and turned off the light that Ren Zhaoruo had turned on last night because he was afraid, and moved his hand that was numb from staying in the same position for a long time.

    I didn't expect that I slept well last night, and suddenly there was another person beside me. Wen Yan thought that she would not be able to sleep, but she slept until dawn.

    Maybe it was because he slept with someone he liked, so he slept particularly well?

    Wen Yan slept alone when he was very young. He didn't go with Wen's father and Wen's mother. He never lived in a dormitory. He didn't know if he had the habit of grinding his teeth or talking in his sleep when he slept.

    ——It would be embarrassing if this happened. He didn't want to give Ren Zhaoruo the impression that he was sleeping differently.

    While Ren Zhaoruo was still awake, Wen Yan got up carefully, and was going to go to the bathroom to clean up. The messy hair when he woke up didn't match his previous image at all, and he wouldn't use this look to meet other people. people.

    Wen Yan spent a long time fiddling with her hairstyle. As soon as she came out, she saw Ren Zhaoruo standing on the balcony. Hearing the sound of him opening the door, Ren Zhaoruo turned her head and said happily,

    "Look, the rain has finally stopped!"

    Yesterday It rained for a long time, and it didn't stop until late at night. Ren Zhaoruo was still worried about whether she would stay in the hotel again today. The bright sunshine told her that her worries were unnecessary.

    I will go back to Tang City tomorrow. Today is my last day here. Ren Zhaoruo doesn't want to be trapped by the rain.

    "You can go out to play today."

    Wen Yan came to Ren Zhaoruo's side, remembering that she was afraid of ghosts last night, and couldn't help joking: "With such a big sun, you don't need to worry about ghosts appearing, right?"

    Ren Zhaoruo stretched out his hand and pushed him. Put, "Don't mention what happened last night!"

    Wen Yan was about to say something, she put her hand over his mouth directly, "Go change clothes, let's go to breakfast, today's schedule is very full, don't waste time!"

    After that, Ren Zhaoruo pushed Wen Yan away, ran into the bathroom and closed the door, leaving Wen Yan alone to smirk.

    Her shy look was really cute, and Wen Yan wished she could rely on herself and let his boyfriend be useful.


    I have been to all the places I want to go in the past few days. The day before the return trip, the time is of course reserved for Luo Zheng.

    Ren Zhaoruo ordered lunch for the crew as a fan of Luo Zheng. Before, some fans followed the Korean entertainment circle, cheering for their favorite stars, renting a coffee cart and inviting the staff to drink for free. Ren Zhaoruo's move did not attract the attention of others.

    It's just that the food is more luxurious than the previous support. The staff who has a good relationship with Luo Zheng joked with him that this is a very rich fan, so he is willing to spend money on him, maybe he is a fan of his parents' generation.

    Ren Zhaoruo didn't mind how they guessed, anyway, just don't think about her, as low-key as possible.

    Xiaowen, who was enjoying a delicious meal, "reported" the situation to her with great interest, and told her the jokes of the staff.

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