Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    There was a dinner party tonight, and the boss didn't have to pay for it. The staff and actors were in good condition, and today's shooting was successfully completed without any mistakes.

    Luo Zheng was going to change his clothes at the meeting. He felt embarrassed to walk around wearing school uniforms at his age. He asked Xiaowen to follow Ren Zhaoruo to find today's protagonist Ren Qingmeng.

    Ren Zhaoruo walked slowly to the door of the lounge, raised his hand to knock on the door, and asked loudly, "Sister, are you awake?"

    I vaguely heard Ren Qingmeng's answer, "Is it Ruoruo? Come in."

    Ren Zhaoruo Opening a crack in the door, blocking Xiao Wende's sight beside him, and glanced at her sister's current state, which was very good. It didn't look like she had cried, so she felt relieved.

    "The crew is off work, let's go eat!"

    Ren Qingmeng rubbed her brows and refused her sister's request for a rare time, "I won't go, the day after tomorrow I have to go on a business trip, I have to go back to the company to handle some affairs, you go , I have instructed the good hotel to put the account in my name."

    She was in a low mood, and she seemed to have a lack of rest and lack of energy. Xiaowen didn't know the reason, but thought that Ren Qingmeng was too tired. And Ren Zhaoruo knew why her sister's reaction was like this.

    Xiaowen nodded, "Don't worry, Mr. Ren, I will take good care of Brother Zheng, and I won't let those people drink him."

    Ren Zhaoruo sat beside her, "The elder sister should also pay attention to rest and not patronize work.

    Ren Qingmeng pulled out a smile, "Thank you Ruoruo for your concern." Xiaowen

    saw that Ren Qingmeng's face was not very good, and asked, "Does Xiaoren always need me to take you back to the company?"

    Ren Qingmeng shook her head , "I've already notified the secretary to come pick me up, you guys go to eat first, have fun."

    Ren Zhaoruo looked at her worriedly, but hesitated, "Sister, shall I accompany you back?"

    Ren Qingmeng patted her sister's head, "Don't bother, the company has been there too, it's no fun, it's no fun to work overtime with me, go to dinner with them."

    Seeing her insistence, Ren Zhaoruo is not good either. Tangle her again, "Then remember to send me a message when my sister returns to the company! I will supervise you and let you rest every hour."

    Ren Qingmeng smiled lightly: "Okay." The

    staff is ready to go The hotel called Xiaowen to ask him when he was leaving. Ren Zhaoruo couldn't continue chatting with Ren Qingmeng, so he could only follow him out of the lounge.

    Ren Zhaoruo looked back at Ren Qingmeng, only to see Ren Qingmeng closing her eyes and resting, as if she was troubled by something, she could only sigh, these things are not something she can handle. Her heart disease still needs to be treated with medicine. Whether Ren Qingmeng can get out of her previous relationship is not a matter of Ren Zhaoruo's two words. It depends on whether she is willing to let go.

    Hearing Ren Zhaoruo's sigh, Xiaowen thought it was because Ren Qingmeng didn't come with him and felt lost, worried that he would be uncomfortable in an environment full of strangers alone.

    He patted his chest, "Don't worry, Miss Zhaoruo, when the time comes, brother Zheng and I will be there, and the atmosphere between the staff is very good, so you don't need to be so afraid."

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