Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 The truth of the year

    Everyone will do some wrong things, and there will always be tears when they come back in the middle of the night. Even if the injured person seems to have a good life later, there is still a scar in their heart. No matter how they paint, they can still see the past. Mark of.

    "My father worked hard all his life and handed over the company to me before he died, but I was not intended to be a boss. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the company from going downhill."

    Grandpa couldn't help sighing when he talked about the past. , Grandma sat beside him, squeezed his hand, and gave him the strength to keep talking.

    "Then something happened to the company, the funds didn't work well, and I was incapable, so I really couldn't think of a way. The Ren family just came up with the idea of ​​marriage. I didn't want the company founded by my father to collapse, so I agreed to the marriage. After your parents got married , I got a sum of money that can keep the company running, but at the same time, I lost the qualification to be a good father." The

    white-haired old man was shaking with emotion, "I sacrificed the life of my only daughter. I am a sinner who does not deserve to be forgiven.” My     grandmother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a towel, “We didn’t ask her what she thought, and we decided her life without asking her what she thought. What's the use, it's what we deserve."     Ren Zhaoruo couldn't see the two old people being so sad, and condemned himself for not asking this question and making them sad, "But, but my mother was also very happy later."     "Fortunately, your mother was happy . , your grandfather and I are relieved." Grandma took a sip and regained her emotions, "Afterwards, your grandfather has no intention to continue running the company, there is no need to hold on to this mess anymore, he has sacrificed his daughter's happiness, if you continue to persevere , there are bound to be more things to lose."     Grandpa shook his head with a wry smile, "I handed over the company to a competent person, and asked trusted people to invest the rest of the money. Later, I made a lot of money, and I was able to Be your mother's confidence, in case she falls out with the Ren family in the future, she can come back, and we can support her for a lifetime."

    Ren Zhaoruo suddenly remembered the bedroom that was left as it was. It may be that you want to leave a memory for yourself, or it may just be a spiritual satisfaction. It seems that keeping everything as it is, you can make what has happened back to the original appearance, and use it to relieve the guilt in your heart.     She couldn't promise their apology on behalf of her mother. After all, she was not the party involved, she had not experienced the same thing, and was not qualified to say anything. Thinking on the selfish side, Ren Zhaoruo might have to thank her grandfather for the decision she made back then. If her parents didn't get married, she wouldn't have been born, sitting here chatting with them.     Grandma used a joke to ease the embarrassing atmosphere. "In the past, we loved face and were reluctant to express anything. Now that we are old and thick-skinned, we don't feel ashamed when we talk about the stupid things we have done."     "Now we learn to So if you want to do anything you can do it, your grandparents will definitely support you."     Ren Zhaoruo smiled cooperatively, "I know."     When my sister was about to inherit the company, my grandparents would support you. I support her very much, and even ask some old friends for help. My brother wanted to take a few years off school to travel the world, and they helped convince Ren to become his mother.     Even if Ren Zhaoruo is a child with no qualitative characteristics, one second thinks this is good the next second, they will consult her ideas, listen patiently, and will discuss with her what food she wants to eat when she is young.     The two old people did what they didn't do to their daughters to their grandchildren. They understand that communication is the most important thing, and it's not too late. The three children of the Ren family grew up under their care and received their support and recognition. They would not be treated differently because of their age and experience, and they grew up happily.     Grandma took Ren Zhaoruo into her arms and patted her on the back lightly, "Grandpa and grandma are too old to protect you for too long, but if you want to remember, don't be attached to certain things. If you hurt your family, you don’t have to force it, just let it go, and you don’t need to hold hands tightly for things that don’t fit.” The     calmed grandfather added, “Don’t force yourself to adapt to things you’re not good at, just do what you’re good at. it is good."

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