Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 The Me Under the Stage and You On The Stage

    Ren's father, Ren's mother and Ren Qingmeng were sitting in the guest seat. This position was facing the stage, and the angle was just right. You could see the daughter on the stage later.

    When Liu Wenyin asked if she could let her parents and mothers come to the party, the school did not hesitate and immediately sent the invitation letter to them.

    This is what the father expected. The three children of the Ren family all attend Mingyuan Middle School. He donated a lot of money to Mingyuan, and the principal would give him some face. To put it more exaggeratedly, a certain teaching building may have been built with his money.

    Before the party started, Ren Qingmeng used her mobile phone to handle some affairs. She would spend the next period of time with her family, so she could rest as soon as possible.

    Ren's mother is asking Ren's father to confirm when Ren Yiyun's plane will arrive. The Ren family has reserved a private room in a high-end restaurant. When Ren Yiyun, who is traveling, returns to Tang City and Ren Zhaoruo's school party is over, the family will go to eat. , count down to the new year together.

    This is a habit of the Ren family. No matter where they are, members will come back to celebrate the New Year with their family members.

    When Father Ren waited for his son to reply, he looked around at the nearby students, "The children are pretty handsome now, I don't know if there is a type that Ruoruo likes.

    " The little boy with Xiao Shi and Zi Hong is quite tall and handsome."

    Ren's father thought contrary to her, "The boy is good-looking, but he doesn't seem to have the character to take care of people, I don't want to let Ruo If you're angry, it's better to find someone who knows how to be considerate of your girlfriend."

    "How did you get involved with this?" Ren's mother laughed and scolded, "You can tell the character of the other party just by looking at it? The parent is too handsome, I feel the crisis."

    His wife had spoken, but Ren's father did not dare to refute, and whispered: "What is he, there must be someone more handsome than him."

    Speaking of this, Ren's father obviously has Confident, "If you want me to say, handsome is not as handsome as a star, let Xiaozheng introduce some young and handsome stars to Ruoruo. Xiaomeng, are you right?"

    Ren Qingmeng, who was innocently named, looked helpless, "Whether he looks handsome or ugly, the most important thing is that Ruoruo likes him. If Ruoruo doesn't like him, it doesn't matter what he looks like."

    Ren's mother nodded, "That's true, I really don't know what kind A Yun and Ruoruo like, they won't end up alone."

    Ren's father hummed and said, "Then I'll be alone, anyway. The money they earn is enough for them to use them for a lifetime, they can never get married or have children, and if they have money, they will be happy."

    Ren's mother smiled and said, "I know you are amazing, you can make money, and you know how to love your children. Everyone is envious of you. A father."

    After the middle-aged Ren's father was praised by his wife, he was as happy as a child, and said triumphantly: "Of course."

    Ren Qingmeng listened to her parents being sympathetic to you and me. She handles her work with expression. When she has a child in the future and the child has the ability to take over the company's business, she must be like her parents to be a hands-off shopkeeper and feed dog food to hard-working children.

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