Chapter 105

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Chapter 105 The feeling of electric shock

    Wen Yan was not surprised at all when he waited for such an answer. He was still a little sad in his heart, but it wasn't unacceptable. If Ren Zhao could agree immediately, he would be very happy, but he hoped that this was the answer she gave after careful consideration, not just impulsive or pitiful acceptance of his feelings.

    He didn't think that he would be separated from her in the future. He didn't fall in love with the person he saw. Maybe he was influenced by his parents. His parents were each other's first love. From a couple to a couple, they have been together for decades. Still very loving.     When he was a child, Wen Yan once imagined that in the future he would have a lover who could love each other for a lifetime like his parents. His critical eyes made it difficult for him to see who he was, even close friends could not approach him. Heart - but when he identified a person, it was her for the rest of his life.     So, when he realized his feelings for Ren Zhaoruo, he knew that he was over.     Either he succeeds in being with Ren Zhaoruo, or he is alone for the rest of his life. Anyway, his parents will not force him to marry. No one will interfere with his choice whether he is alone or with his lover for the rest of his life in the future.     Now Wen Yan's biggest goal is to be with Ren Zhaoruo, to be admitted to the same university as Ren Zhaoruo, and to have her by his side in the future.     Some setbacks could not defeat him, and he still held out hope, hoping that one day he would get a positive answer from Ren Zhaoruo. I was just annoyed at why I told her my thoughts so late. If only I had told her earlier, she had a lot of time to think.     In a few months, the college entrance examination will be taken. It is good to be admitted to the same school. If he does not pass the test, he will have fewer chances to meet Ren Zhaoruo. Once he thought of being separated from Ren Zhaoruo, he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.     He wanted to be with her before graduating high school and say goodbye to the youthful memories of the past few years in middle school.     Moreover, Ren Zhaoruo is also an adult, so they are not in a puppy love... Her parents should be able to accept it, right?

    Wen Yan put away his thoughts, it was getting late, he had to go to bed quickly, and went to Ren Zhaoruo's house to celebrate her birthday at noon, he didn't want to go with dark circles - he wanted to appear in her best condition. before!


    In the early morning of the next day, Ren Zhaoruo had just finished breakfast when she heard Aunt Huang ask her to go to the door to greet the arriving guests. She specifically asked Aunt Huang to tell her if it was her friend, after all, she is a birthday star Sir, it is only polite for her to go out to greet her.

    Almost all of her friends have come to Ren's house, and Aunt Huang can remember their names. Ren Zhaoruo's request is not a problem at all.

    Ren Zhaoruo quickly got up and walked to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Wen Yan standing by the door. The first moment he saw the other side's face, both of them were stunned.

    Wen Yan didn't expect that it would be Ren Zhaoruo himself who came to open the door. When he came to Ren's house before, Aunt Huang opened the door for him. If I knew it earlier, I would have put on a more handsome pose—Wen Yan thought.

    And Ren Zhaoruo thought that it was a few girlfriends who arrived first, and Shi Jiakai and Qian Zihong would always be the last to arrive, so there was no need to consider them at all. Unexpectedly, Wen Yan was the first to come, which was beyond Ren Zhaoruo's expectations.

    "Uh, welcome." Ren Zhaoruo reacted first, and smiled, "Come in."

    Wen Yan nodded and said, "Well, thank you." It

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