Chapter 104

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Chapter 104 Promise

    Ren Zhaoruo's birthday is usually during the winter vacation, and most of the movies shown in the cinema are Chinese New Year movies or a small number of romance movies. Her birthday happened to be Valentine's Day, and the movie theater was one of the favorite dating places for couples. In order to buy a seat with the same number as her birthday, Wen Yan bought tickets online one month in advance.

    Although he wasn't interested in the plot of the movie at all, as long as he was accompanied by Ren Zhaoruo, he was willing to sit there for a few hours.

    ——If there are references to previous gifts, this gift of your adulthood is completely my own idea. I've thought about inviting you out on your birthday, preferably a horror movie, and if you need a hug, I'll give myself right away to give you a safe place to avoid the screen on the ghost.

    ——It’s a pity... The movies in this time period are all comedy movies about family reunion. There is no way to watch horror movies. I can only choose the same seat as your birthday. Because of this coincidence, this movie ticket also has meaning in the future.     ——My original expectation was that we were already together on your eighteenth birthday, and this couple ticket would be useful, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, and even I delayed until a month before your birthday to speak my heart out, In just one month, I don't expect you to answer me right away.     ——This movie ticket doesn't seem to work anymore. I can't tell you to take the ticket and go watch it with the person you like. I'm not so kind. I'd rather you keep it than use it with others.     As expected of a letter written by Wen Yan, Ren Zhaoruo made up his expressionless face when he saw these words, and said the most domineering words in BKing's tone, but Ren Zhaoruo just wanted to laugh.     She didn't plan to use the two movie tickets, the show time collided with her birthday celebration with her family, and she couldn't leave her family behind to watch the movie.     Ren Zhaoruo found an empty envelope in the desk drawer and put away two movie tickets. As Wen Yan said, 14 seats in 2 rows are really worth her memory. She had the habit of keeping used movie tickets, but before, they were all packed in ordinary boxes.

    As for the movie tickets that Wen Yan gave her, she needed to think about where to put them.

    Ren Zhaoruo walked around the room and glanced at a corner where the medals she won and the medals that Wen Yan gave her that he won by himself were placed there.

    When he said he would give it to herself before, she thought it was because Wen Yan disdained these things, and was embarrassed to throw them away, so she had to give it to others. It just so happened that she was near him, and he gave it to himself.     Thinking about it now, maybe Wen Yan gave it to her on purpose. Wen Yan, who doesn't fit in well, doesn't take part in group activities very much, but Wen Yan who suddenly participated in the sports meeting and won the gold medal, shared his victory with the people he liked, and wanted to share the honor and joy with her.     Ren Zhaoruo picked up one of the medals with the words 'Men's Final' engraved on it. If someone turned over her things, it would be easy to find that these things did not belong to her, they must have been given to her.     How much did Wen Yan do behind the scenes? Why didn't she feel anything before. Is Wen Yan covering up too well, or is it because he doesn't call about love, so he can't feel it all the time?     Maybe if she was replaced by another person, Wen Yan's feelings could be discovered, but Ren Zhaoruo wiped out the idea as soon as it came up. She didn't want the person Wen Yan liked to become someone else, it was hard to accept it just by imagination.     Wen Yan's letter still had the last part to be read, Ren Zhaoruo took back the spirit of being separated and went back to the table to continue reading the letter.     ——Before, I never dared to express my heart to you, hoping that one day you would notice, but in the end it didn’t turn out as I wished.     ——When I saw Yu Yansheng and Shao Wenbin approaching you, I was angry and annoyed, angry that I cared too much, and that I couldn't keep your eyes on me. I'm not afraid of your ridicule, I have actually eaten vinegar many times, and even at the beginning I even ate vinegar from Shi Jiakai and Qian Zihong.     ——The previous pain made me realize that if you never open your mouth, you will never know that I like you for the rest of your life. Confessing to you personally has exhausted my courage, I only dare to express my feelings in words.

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