Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 Full Score Boyfriend Training Class

    On the weekend, Wen Yan, who went to bed late last night after chatting with her girlfriend, opened her eyes with confused eyes. She just went downstairs to find something to fill her stomach and go back to sleep, but she was pulled by her father and mother. .

    Wen Yan gave them a bewildered look, "What's wrong?"

    "Change your clothes, we're going to Ren's house." Wen's father said, "Say hello to your future in-laws."

    Wen Yan, who had just woken up and was still wearing pajamas : "?"

    "Didn't you meet every day before? Do you need to call now if you want to say hello?"

    "It used to be before, and now it is now." Mother Wen said, "Who knew that my son had good luck and kidnapped his precious daughter. Are you back home? I'm really embarrassed for not

    saying hello to the Ren family." After that, she looked up and down Wenyan with disgusted eyes, "Tsk tsk, just like you are now, I have to wonder if it's Zhao Zhao. Ruo's eyes are not very good."

    Wen Yan who was attacked inexplicably: "?"

    "Mom, am I not your biological son? Why do you attack me like this?"

    Wen's mother rolled her eyes, "It's because you are mine. Son, I want to tell you this, I want to blow your self-confidence, don't think that you don't need to care about dressing up when you find a girlfriend, men who don't maintain their good looks will soon be abandoned."

    Father Wen straightened his back . , "Xiaoyan, look at my father and me, I'm still so handsome in middle age, so I can stabilize my wife's heart. Wife, are you right?"

    Mother Wen said with a smile: "Husband said it well!

    " Wen Yan who reached her eyes: "..."

    "By the way, come back in the evening and let your father teach you how to cook." Mother Wen, who was smiling to Wen's father just now, put on a disgusting expression to Wen Yan, " Don't be a person who does nothing but eats with your mouth open, if Zhao Ruo marry you in the future, I won't allow you to let her cook."

    Mother Wen counted with her fingers, "You need to cook the rice, wash the dishes, and do the hygiene. If you don't want to do it, you can pay for a babysitter yourself. Anyway, I won't allow you to treat Zhaoruo badly."

    To put it a bit harsher, if Ren Zhaoruo hadn't married yet, Wen Yan would certainly feel aggrieved if Wen's mother helped her like that. But what Mother Wen said was also his idea. Without her saying it, he wouldn't let Ren Zhaoruo do such a thing.

    Thanks to his parents for letting him help with housework since he was a child, coupled with the strict training his grandfather gave him back then, Wen Yan would not let others help him if he could do anything by himself, and he was not a rich young master who could not do anything. , he can do all these things.

    He may not be very good at cooking, which is barely acceptable, but he has done a lot of other housework, and he dares to boast that he is better than the nanny.

    Some daughters-in-law will more or less encounter difficult parents-in-law, making it difficult for themselves, and their husbands refuse to help. But in Wen's family, there is no need to worry about such a thing. Wen's father and mother treat Ren Zhaoruo as their biological daughter, but Wen Yan, the real son, has the lowest status and is even despised by his parents.

    Wen Yan suddenly had an idea - Ren Zhaoruo should have a good life when she married. The Wen family and the Ren family are both in the same community, so there is no need to worry about who to go to during the Chinese New Year and festivals. Being able to visit both parents at the same time, they are a natural couple!

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