Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 'Little Couple'

    "Wen Yan?"

    Ren Zhaoruo read out his name to confirm whether the other party was Wen Yan she knew, not someone else pretending to be Wen Yan in order to scare her.

    "Yes, it's me." Wen Yan saw her calm down, and took a few steps to come to her side, "I and everyone else got separated, and I happened to meet you. Shall we go out together?"

    Ren Zhaoruo nodded vigorously, "Then I'll trouble you!"

    Seeing her pitiful appearance, Wen Yan really wanted to rub her head, he tried his best to hold back his laughter, now is not the time to laugh.

    "Let's go then." Wen Yan loosened the shoulder straps of her backpack and said to her, "I'm in front, you follow me."


    Ren Zhaoruo waited for Wen Yan to walk in front of him and watched him move forward She only followed when she was exploring the way. Since he opened the way, she should guard his back.

    She followed behind Wen Yan, keeping a short distance. Wen Yan has long legs and a big pace. If he kept his usual pace, he would soon leave Ren Zhaoruo behind, but in order for Ren Zhaoruo to keep up with him, he deliberately slowed down his pace, and from time to time he would look back to see if she was following him. superior.

    When passing through a long corridor, Ren Zhaoruo was afraid that a ghost would suddenly appear somewhere, so she approached Wen Yan, and she was not in the mood to worry even if the other party hated the approach of strangers, she would stay by her around.

    Feeling that Ren Zhaoruo was by his side, Wen Yan was so nervous that he was so stiff that he didn't dare to let out the air, and he had to focus on finding his way.

    This is the first time that he has been so close to the opposite sex except Wen's mother. In the past, he was either alone at a single table or at the same table with boys. He doesn't like crowding with others, and he hasn't even experienced the queues that are easiest to contact with the opposite sex. He has absolutely zero experience.

    However, he has to remain calm and not show panic. If he can't stand, he won't have to go out of this haunted house today.

    Ren Zhaoruo thought that Wen Yan would throw her away, but he didn't. She looked up at him, Wen Yan was much taller than her, like a wall. The dim lights of the haunted house made it impossible to see his face clearly. This looming feeling was like a dream, and the person in front of him would disappear at any time.

    She also smelled the faint fragrance of Wenyan's body, which made her taut strings slowly relax.

    Ren Zhaoruo actually felt a sense of security in him. You must know that Wen Yan's personality makes people feel nervous and fearful, and feel safe? Maybe she was the only one who thought so. But other people didn't have the opportunity to let Wen Yan open the way for him.

    She didn't know if it was because there were not many people in the haunted house to rely on. When he appeared, she put her trust in him, hoping that he could take her out of here.     Ren Zhaoruo suddenly remembered a word she had seen before, 'suspension bridge effect'. She couldn't tell whether her heart was beating faster now because of fear or other reasons.     In short, if anyone speaks ill of Wen Yan in front of her in the future, she will definitely help to scold him back. Wen Yan is her 'savior' and she will not allow others to speak ill of him.     Along the way, a ghost jumped out to scare the two of them, but Wen Yan's face was calm and didn't react to being scared at all, while Ren Zhaoruo hid behind him, closing his eyes and not looking at them.     Staff: "?"     No matter how they behaved, the boy didn't respond. The girl behind was quite frightened. The staff wanted to divert the target, but the boy gave them a cold look, and the staff was stunned.     Before they could react, the boy pulled the person away, leaving only the staff messed up in the wind.     "This couple is quite amazing." Someone sighed softly, "Not only is the boy not afraid, but he won't let us touch his girlfriend."     "Yeah, there wasn't a couple just now, the man was still hiding in the girl's back. Behind my friend? I patted him on the shoulder, and he left his girlfriend and ran away, really cowardly."     "People are coming, don't gossip and hide."

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