Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Star Chasing Successfully Wen Classmates

    Ren Zhaoruo, who successfully changed the plot, spent a leisurely weekend, which made her almost forget that today is Monday for school. When she opened her eyes to check the time, Ren Zhaoruo jumped up from the bed in fright and rushed into the bathroom to wash. Change into your school uniform as fast as you can, almost jumping down the stairs.

    Ren Zhaoruo, who got up late, could not enjoy such leisurely elegance while his father and mother were sitting at the dining table and eating breakfast leisurely.

    Ren Zhaoruo's little face was wrinkled, "Why didn't anyone wake me up!"

    Ren's father put down the coffee in his hand, "If Ruoruo doesn't usually say that he can take care of himself when he grows up, I don't need us to remind you that you have your own schedule. ?"

    - this is definitely 'revenge' for her rebellious adolescent child! Ren Zhaoruo pretended to look pitifully at Ren's mother, hoping that her mother could comfort him, but Ren's mother stood by her husband's side.

    "I still remember that I told Ruoruo to get up and accompany me to dinner yesterday, and Ruoruo started talking, but I was forced to wait for you in the living room for two hours before you came late." She glanced at her, "In the end, someone even coquettishly complained that she overslept because I didn't call her. How dare you ask me to wake you up."

    At this time, Ren Zhaoruo was very aggrieved. To be treated like this by my parents is like being abandoned by the whole world.

    Fortunately, there is another person who has her in his heart.

    Aunt Huang held two thermal insulation boxes and put them in front of Ren Zhaoruo, "Come on, I'll pack your breakfast for you and eat it when you go back to school."

    Ren Zhaoruo changed her sad face and said in surprise, "Thank you Aunt Huang! Aunt Huang treated me well. It's the best!"

    Ren's father teased: "Tsk, I forgot my parents so soon, but it's such a conscienceless little thing."

    Ren Zhaoruo made a face at him, "I'll go back to school first! My parents still have Aunt Huang, goodbye!"

    Aunt Huang used a thermal bag to put the two thermal boxes together, so that Ren Zhaoruo could easily lift them up, she sat in the car with her schoolbag on her back, and the driver, Uncle Zhang, waited for her to sit down and started the car, lest the young Miss is really late.

    Ren Zhaoruo tied her hair in front of the mirror in the car. It took her some time to choose the hair rope just now, so her hair is still loose now. Fortunately, she doesn't pursue any complicated hairstyles, as long as the ponytail is not crooked.

    She looked in the mirror and sorted it out. After confirming it was correct, she finally felt relieved. Uncle Zhang sent her to school on time and on time. She quickly said 'goodbye' to Uncle Zhang and trotted back to school with her things.

    The classmates are basically all there. Even if there is no one in the seat, their schoolbags are placed by the table. They may go to the toilet or go shopping, unlike Ren Zhaoruo who is coming back now.

    Ren Zhaoruo returned to her seat and calmed down her breath. Hungry, she couldn't help but open two thermal insulation boxes, one containing boat porridge, and the other three quicksand bags.

    A few years ago, she traveled to the south with her family and fell in love with the local morning tea culture. Ren's mother also specially found a chef who could cook Cantonese cuisine to cook for her. She doesn't have to go out, and she can eat her favorite food at ordinary times.

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