Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 His Love

Ren Zhaoruo was so shocked by Wen Yan's letter that she couldn't say anything.

Even though Wen Yan transferred in the second year of junior high, they had been classmates for several years, but before Ren Zhaoruo's sixteenth birthday, she had no memory of Wen Yan at all.

During those years, someone cared for her silently, wrote down all her preferences, even if she didn't tell her much, every year when it was her birthday, they would prepare a birthday present for her. If he hadn't confessed to himself, wouldn't these gifts never be given away in his life, they would be kept in a corner, and they would be found again after decades. Thinking of the memories of that crush, I would still regret it, regretting the erasing of the past. over the shoulder. The system hesitated for a while, but still asked her: [Su, host, are you all right? 】 "It's okay." Ren Zhaoruo wiped the tears from her face, "I'm just too moved." Except for her family and childhood sweethearts who grew up together, few people treat her like this, let alone her suitors. She and Wen Yan have only known each other for a few years, and he can keep his own affairs in his heart, who wouldn't be moved by his actions. Moreover, Wen Yan's character didn't seem to be able to do such a thing, but he did, and he didn't get a response from the other party yet, and he was willing to pay, waiting for the day when she would look back and notice him behind him. Tears blurred her eyes, Ren Zhaoruo wiped away the falling tears with a tissue, and when her emotions stabilized, she continued to read Wen Yan's letter to her. Every time she read a sentence, she was reminded of the memory at that time, which shocked her that Yu Wenyan had noticed such a thing. How long had he been paying attention to her? Why does he still remember some of the things she was about to forget? --Okay, now tell you what each gift represents. My words may be more complicated, just like the problem-solving process, but I hope you can understand that this is the first time in my life that I have done such a thing.

- Fourteen-year-old gift, a hair tie. That was the year when I first started to fall in love with you, but my self-esteem did not allow me to admit this fact. At that time, I thought that people who were not in a relationship were the coolest, so I refused to say that I like you.

--I regret it when I think about it now. If I had let go of this unnecessary burden and confessed to you early, I wouldn't have to hide the fact that I like you in my heart, and it would have been uncomfortable for several years. But now it is useless to think about these ifs, not so many ifs. --Except for my mother, this is the first time I prepare gifts for the opposite sex. I don't know what to give, so I bought your favorite hair tie. As for why the color is black, since it's my favorite color, I'd love to get a chance to see you use it. It's a bit strange to give people black things on their birthdays, but it's also a part of his heart. Ren Zhaoruo opened the packaging bag that he had not opened when he bought it, and put the hair tie sent by Wen Yan on his hand. This is the most conspicuous place. Girls with long hair like to wear the hair tie on their hands. Can be taken off. Wear this hair tie to find him after school starts! Ren Zhaoruo thought so, and continued to look at the next gift. The next gift, even more eccentric, was a book. However, they will send black hair ties on their birthdays, so it doesn't matter if they send a 'lose'. - I am most impressed with this book. At that time, I remembered that you and Ding Xiao were talking about a new book from an author you liked. I thought you liked this author very much. He happened to go to the city where I used to live to hold a book signing, so I asked someone I knew before to go there. Participated and came back with an autographed novel. --The reason why I was so impressed was that at that time I was laughed at by people I knew, saying how I liked reading books and seeing the extent of getting the author's autograph. I felt so embarrassed at the time that I haven't talked to that person anymore. --I don't know if you still like this author now, and if you will have an autograph already. I hope this gift doesn't come too late. Ren Zhaoruo turned to the first page, there was the author's autograph on it, and a sentence, which may have been written by Wen Yan at the time, "to the little readers who like me".

She doesn't read much of this author's novels now, and the style of writing doesn't quite suit her taste, but it's also a memory of her junior high school days. When she saw it, she remembered that she heard the news of a new book coming out from a friend at that time, and she immediately went to the bookstore to see if it was on the shelves.

Ren Zhaoruo was about to forget about it, and it wasn't until she read this book that she remembered it again. She held the book in her arms, as if holding that memory.

--I remember that you liked watching "Friends" very much. When I saw the merchandise of "Friends" for sale on the Internet, I immediately thought of you.

--You once used the characters in the play to describe the relationship between you and the group of playmates who grew up together, and wished that you could be friends who live opposite the door in a few decades. I'm not a big fan of comedy, so I watched it a bit to keep up with your conversation.

--There seems to be a couple who are friends in the early stage of the plot, and lovers in the later stage. I used to have fantasies about us being friends now and being lovers in the future like this pair of characters. Ren Zhaoruo pursed his lips and smiled, he was talking about Monica and Chandler in "Friends". She really couldn't connect Wen Yan's cold face with comedy, would he laugh when he saw funny clips, or would he be as expressionless as usual? When she saw the seventeen-year-old present, she was startled again. --This is what I planted by myself, or because of a movie I watched at that time, the actor planted a pot of flowers for the heroine, and recorded the growth process of the flowers with photos. -Did you see that photo album next to it? The photos in it are all taken by myself, there is absolutely no false component, except for the help of my parents at the beginning, the rest are all made by myself. - I bore my mother for a long time before she was willing to teach me how to grow flowers, when she asked me what flowers I wanted to grow, I chose white camellias. In fact, I don't really believe in the language of flowers, but when I was choosing what flowers to plant, I saw the language of flowers, and finally I chose it. --Its flower language is innocence, and it is also you in my mind. And... the meaning of the perfect lover, although I'm not the ideal lover in your mind, but you are perfect here with me.

The words alone made Ren Zhaoruo blush. Wen Yan's Chinese grades should be very good, so he can express his emotions, I really want to see how his composition is written.

She looked up at the potted flower. She didn't inherit her mother's flower-growing skills, so she could only ask her mother for help. She didn't want to spoil Wenyan's heart. However, what reason should she use to explain that she suddenly 'bought' a pot of flowers?

Ren Zhaoruo's eyes moved to the last gift, which were two movie tickets.

The author has something to say:

This chapter is like this first, and the next chapter talks about the last gift and the change of Ren Zhaoruo's mentality. If such a gift can't make her heart, I think I will remove the word 'Tianwen' ( no)

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