Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 The Lounge Calendar

    When Ren Zhaoruo was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock, she glanced at the current time, but she still couldn't turn her head around. Is she going to school today? Why does she wake up so early?

    She sat on the bed for a while before her brain started to work. By the way, she woke up so early today because she was going to the company with her sister!

    There was a knock on the door, and Ren Qingmeng's voice came from outside the door, "Ruoruo, are you awake?"

    Ren Zhaoruo quickly replied: "I'm awake! I'll brush my teeth and wash my face first, sister, go to breakfast first! "


    Ren Zhaoruo left the warm bed, put on a coat and went to wash up, for fear that her sister would wait for a long time, she almost trotted down the stairs.

    Seeing her doing this, Ren's mother immediately said, "Be careful! Don't run, don't rush, be careful to fall!" Ren Zhaoruo stuck out

    her tongue, "I see, Mom."

    She sat next to Ren Qingmeng, ready to eat Breakfast, in fact, she was not very hungry when she woke up, but it was better to eat breakfast at home before going out. She didn't want to feel hungry halfway through, and had to trouble her sister to buy food for her. She didn't want to trouble an adult's child with everything.

    Ren Qingmeng poured a glass of soy milk for her sister, smiled and said to Ren's mother, "It's rare to see Ruoruo at breakfast time, I don't usually sleep until noon before getting up, if I go out, we can only meet at night. I’m ready .”     Mother Ren cooperated and joked, “Yeah, every day you say you want to get up early to accompany me to take care of the flowers, but I don’t get up until the sun is drying my buttocks. If I rely on Ruoruo’s help, my flowers will probably die. "     Ren Zhaoruo wanted to refute, but after thinking that what they said was all the truth, there was no reason at all, so she could only listen to her mother and sister's complaints silently, and ate breakfast with her head down.     Seeing that the youngest daughter didn't answer, Ren's mother took the initiative to cue her, "Why don't Ruoruo speak?"     Ren Zhao said with a pursed mouth, "You two have finished speaking, what can I say."

    "Only things you are interested in can get you up." Ren's mother smiled, "I'll follow your sister to the company later, remember not to run around."

    Ren Zhaoruo's tone was firm, "Oh, mother, I'm not only a few people. 2-year-old child, I will be obedient and will not run around, and if my sister asks me to sit, I will never stand."

    "Then I will listen first." Mother Ren gave her a playful wink, "Then you two at noon. Are you eating out? I told Aunt Huang not to prepare the weight for the two of you?"

    Ren Qingmeng nodded, "I will take Ruoruo to dinner, so we don't have to prepare lunch for us."

    "We can go to the company. Do you want to eat in the cafeteria?"

    Ren Zhaoruo had a whim, and she suddenly remembered some novels with the male protagonist that she had read before. If the female protagonist was an employee of his company, there would definitely be a plot where the president went to the cafeteria to eat and met the female protagonist.

    If she goes with her sister, it's like the secretary who follows the president in the novel, and her role is to show love to the hero and heroine. Thinking about it this way, she is indeed playing such a role, but she is a supporting role who causes trouble for the protagonist, not helping the hero and heroine together.     "Okay, sometimes I eat the food from the company's cafeteria with my dad, and it tastes good." Ren Qingmeng didn't reject her sister's request, "but we all pack it and take it back to the office to eat, then see if I'm busy. If you're not busy, we'll be the cafeteria, and if you're busy, we'll pack."     Ren Zhaoruo grinned, "I'll listen to my sister's arrangements."     "What should I wear, I think I need to wear more formal clothes."     "It's too cold outside . Now, don't wear a skirt, as for the dress..." Ren Qingmeng joked, "As long as you don't wear a vest, big pants and slippers."     "Then I definitely won't wear it like this." Ren Zhaoruo's expression was serious, "I But I can't let the Ren family lose face, and I don't want the employees of the company to think that I am a strange person."

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