Chapter 81

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Chapter 81 Difficult Decisions

    Ren's father's state at this time is not suitable for driving, and he has to take care of his wife who is out of control. Ren Qingmeng specially called the driver Uncle Zhang to come and take them back.

    She stood at the entrance of the hospital and watched the car carrying Ren's parents, Ren's mother and Xu Cheming away. Ren Zhaoruo helped Ren Yiyun to follow behind her. The three walked to the parking lot together, got into her car and prepared to leave.

    Ren Qingmeng turned her head to look at her younger brother and sister, Ren Yiyun's face was still pale, holding Ren Zhaoruo's hand tightly, while Ren Zhaoruo looked at him worriedly.

    She and Ren Zhaoruo were there when they came, but Xu Cheming's position was changed to Ren Yiyun, and the atmosphere was very different.

    Before starting the car, Ren Qingmeng took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions. She is now the calmest person in the Ren family, she must remain calm.

    She entered Ren's work when she was an adult. Years of experience made her calm in dealing with things. In addition, the departure of her first love boyfriend Kang Yi made her experience the collapse of her death. No matter what happened in the future, she would not be easily knocked down.     Now the only person others can rely on is herself, even if she is going to fall, she will be the last one to fall. This is what she has to do as the eldest daughter of the Ren family.     Even though Ren Qingmeng's reaction was not as obvious as that of Ren's parents and Ren's mother, when she was waiting for the traffic light, she impatiently tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, looking around to see why she had to wait so long, she had already betrayed her.     Finally back at Ren's house, Aunt Huang opened the door to greet the three, "Miss, sir, is waiting for you in the study."     Ren Qingmeng nodded, put the car key on the shoe cabinet, quickly changed her shoes, and rushed to the study. Ren Zhaoruo probably guessed that this was to discuss the whereabouts of Xu Cheming and Ren Yiyun. She didn't want to be absent, but Ren Yiyun behind him needed her help, so she couldn't just leave him like this.     Seeing her anxiety, Aunt Huang said thoughtfully, "Miss Zhaoruo will follow, I'll take care of Young Master Yiyun."

    Ren Yiyun immediately raised his head and looked at Ren Zhaoruo in horror, as if she was going to leave him behind. Aunt Huang supported Ren Yiyun. She had watched the children of Ren's family grow up. She knew their characters, and she also knew how to comfort Ren Yiyun.

    Ren Zhaoruo gritted his teeth and let go of Ren Yiyun's hand, "Brother, I'll be back soon, trust me."

    Aunt Huang cooperated: "Are you hungry, young master? I've prepared your favorite meal for you, and I'll take you there. Let's have dinner?"

    Ren Yiyun nodded reluctantly, followed Aunt Huang to the restaurant, he turned his head in three steps to see if Ren Zhaoruo would disappear first.

    Until his figure disappeared in front of him, Ren Zhaoruo quickly ran to the study.

    Hearing the door opening, the two people in the study turned their heads at the same time, and they were relieved to see Ren Zhaoruo.

    Father Ren pinched his eyebrows wearily, "Zhaoruo, what's the matter? Your sister and I are discussing things."

    As Ren Zhaoruo expected, they were indeed discussing the two children.

    "I know what you're talking about." Ren Zhaoruo said firmly, "I want to make a decision with you."

    Ren's father wanted to shake his head and refuse, but suddenly remembered that next month will be his youngest daughter's seventeenth birthday, and she will be an adult in one year. , time flies so fast - the little daughter has grown up too, not a child anymore.

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