Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 Do Children Have Many Question Marks?

    As soon as Ren Zhaoruo returned to school, Ding Xiao pulled her to a corner, and a few people surrounded her, as if they were interrogating a prisoner. The scene was very serious, but each of them had thick black eye circles on their faces. Seeing that they didn't sleep well last night, Ren Zhaoruo couldn't help laughing.

    She raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you want?"

    "You can still laugh!" Ding Xiao said angrily, "You know we couldn't sleep after seeing your circle of friends last night!"

    Ren Zhaoruo pursed her lips With a smile, "Then what? Did I shock you so much when I was released from the list?"

    "Of course!" Fang Jiexin said, "Who would have thought that you, a love insulator, would fall in love one day."

    "And your boyfriend, you My boyfriend is still..."

    "It's Brother Yan." Qian Zihong was about to collapse. Before, he disliked Shao Wenbin very much and didn't want his childhood sweetheart's boyfriend to be Shao Wenbin, and when her boyfriend was Wen Yan Just a thought, who knew it would come true.

    He was probably a little bit afraid of Wen Yan, thinking that he might meet rarely after graduation, and Wen Yan's personality doesn't seem like someone who would take the initiative to contact them. Even if they live in the same community, there will be no intersection in the future. .     But Wen Yan became the boyfriend of the playmate he grew up with, it is impossible not to meet in the future. If there is any party in the future, as long as Ren Zhaoruo attends, Wen Yan will definitely attend!     Thinking of Wen Yan's murderous eyes, Qian Zihong was cowardly, there is no harm without comparison, can he take back the words that Wen Yan is better than Shao Wenbin now?     "Yes, it's Wen Yan." Ren Zhaoruo said with a smile, "Originally, the fact that I fell in love was enough to shock you. My object is still Wen Yan, so it's even more shocking, right?"     The people in front of them exchanged glances. , nodded.     Ruan Jingyi said, "Ruoruo, how long have you been hiding? You said that you suddenly got together yesterday on a whim. I don't believe it."

    "Well... It's not too short or too long to say it." After Wen Yan confessed to her, the time she spent thinking about whether to be with Wen Yan was really short compared to the years when Wen Yan had a crush on her. , but for Wen Yan, the torment of waiting was also very long.

    Shi Jiakai didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic, "Who confessed first?"

    Speaking of which, Ren Zhaoruo was also happy, "He confessed first."

    Everyone else looked scared, and the answer was reasonable. Again unreasonable. What's unreasonable is that Wen Yan's character would actually take the initiative, and what's reasonable is that Ren Zhaoruo doesn't seem like someone who would do such a thing, and she couldn't see who she liked before.

    Qian Zihong was stunned, "No, I didn't expect it."

    Someone suddenly asked behind him, "I didn't expect anything?"

    "I didn't expect Brother Yan to be such a person." Qian Zihong immediately gave the answer without thinking. After he finished speaking, he realized that the voice came from behind him, and the friends were all beside him.

    He turned his head stiffly and saw Wen Yan, who was being discussed, standing behind him—at that moment, Qian Zihong seemed to see an angel waving to him.

    Wen Yan glanced at her guilty classmates and her girlfriend who was giggling beside her, and probably guessed what they were talking about.

    He looked relaxed, "If you have any questions, you can ask me.

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