Chapter 87

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Chapter 87 Ren Zhaoruo is a Wood

    During the winter vacation, the other students were discussing heatedly about where to go and what to plan for the vacation, but Wen Yan was the most gregarious person, sitting quietly in his seat with a book in front of him. Opened the book, but his attention was not on the book at all.

    He always talks so little, others don't feel that something is wrong, and they won't even chat with him, leaving him alone. He really likes this state, he doesn't like socializing, and he doesn't like chatting awkwardly with people he doesn't know well.

    Moreover, he could hear what the people behind him were discussing -

    "Ruoruo, will you go on a trip this winter vacation?" This is Fang Jiexin talking.

    "Yes. I'll bring you some souvenirs then." This was Ren Zhaoruo answering her question.

    See, why Wen Yan is unhappy, because the Ren family goes on a trip every holiday, he can't see Ren Zhaoruo, and he can't go to the Ren family as a guest. The Internet in the hotel is not as good as that at home, and there is no way to meet her in the game.

    And who will hold a mobile phone every day when they are away, of course, to enjoy the time with their family. Wen Yan was in the ranks of 'friends' and was ranked after Ren Zhaoruo's family. If it wasn't for a specific incident, she probably wouldn't think of herself for the first time.

    But this is not the reason for Wen Yan's sadness. He himself puts his family first, and it is impossible to ask Ren Zhaoruo to put him first as special.

    He was sad that he saw very few times with her after the holiday, worrying that he would lose weight in her heart.

    Meeting her every day can at least give her a sense of presence, but once they don't have to go to school, they won't have a chance to see each other unless they come out to play. He is not the only friend who lives in the same community. She, Shi Jiakai and Qian Zihong have known each other longer than herself, and she will think of them first and then herself when there is anything.

    She originally thought that the neighbor of the person she liked would be the first to get the moon, but after thinking about it carefully, her neighbor was only herself, and because of Shi Jiakai and the others, she might also be classified as a 'friend' in the same community

    , just friends, there will be no room for further development.

    If Ren Zhaoruo was traveling with friends, Wen Yan could still be shameless or play tricks to keep up, but this was her and her family's journey, and he was embarrassed to go with them no matter what.

    Therefore, now he can only secretly listen to Ren Zhaoruo's chat with other people, try to hear where she is going to play, go back to do his homework on the Internet, pretend to mention it in front of her inadvertently, maybe it will go well Find a topic to chat with her.     "Auntie and uncle really like to travel." Shi Jiakai sighed, "My parents and my mother are too lazy to move, and they don't even want to take me out to play when I have a holiday. They say that there are people everywhere during the holiday, so it is better to stay at home. I think Ah, they're just too lazy to go out."     "I'm different." Fang Jiexin said, "My parents like to go to the park or go hiking on weekends. I'd rather sleep than go to exercise with them. Is it better to stay at home? "     By the way, Zhaoruo." Qian Zihong interjected, "Where are you going to play? Is there anything delicious there? Come back and bring me some to eat, hehe."     "My mother said it's very cold this winter ." , I want to go to the hot spring." Ren Zhaoruo joked, "I'll bring you some hot spring eggs?"     Qian Zihong frowned, "Is it spoiled when I bring it back?"     Ren Zhaoruo smiled, "But didn't you say you want to eat it? It's just spoiled, don't be afraid."     Qian Zihong: "..." Has he been tricked again?     He changed the subject and said, "This year's Lunar New Year movie seems to have a very good-looking one. Shall we make an appointment to watch it together?"     Shi Jiakai said, "Can't you come to my house to watch it? Why waste money?"     Qian Zihong retorted Said: "Of course going to the cinema is all about the atmosphere! You are so rich, can't you afford even these tens of dollars for a movie ticket?     " Don't even think about making a penny from me."

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