Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 Birthday Wishes

    Wen Yan's birthday had to go to class, so he couldn't throw a party like other people's birthdays, he could only celebrate during the break.

    Everyone didn't want Wen Yan to have a shabby birthday, but there was nothing to do at this awkward time, plus Wen Yan didn't want too many people to participate, only Ren Zhaoruo and her few childhood sweethearts were left.

    Even so, they still made good preparations for his birthday. Shi Jiakai ordered Wen Yan's birthday cake half a month in advance. Qian Zihong and Ding Xiao ordered takeout so that they could have a good meal.     Ren Zhaoruo was responsible for guiding Wen Yan to the 'birthday party venue'. In fact, he found an empty place where he would celebrate Wen Yan's birthday.     This is the first time that someone other than family has celebrated Wen Yan's birthday. This feeling is quite novel. What's more meaningful is that the girl he likes is also there. Wen Yan feels that this 17th birthday is the most unforgettable in his life. one of the birthdays.     - Why one of them? Because future birthdays, as long as she spends them with me, will be the most unforgettable birthdays.     Shi Jiakai said, "Brother Yan, let's cut the cake first, I'm afraid it won't taste good when it melts."     Now at dinner time, the main food should be eaten first, but there is no refrigerator near the place where several people are, so the cake cannot be preserved. If stored in the cafeteria. It is very troublesome to go to take it after eating, so I can only eat it now.     There is no hard and fast rule to eat cake first or later, you can eat it whenever you want.     Qian Zihong stared at the cake in Wen Yan's hand like a hungry wolf, "Brother Yan, make a wish, I'm so hungry!"     Ding Xiao rolled his eyes, "Is it your birthday or his birthday?"     Shi Jiakai asked for credit : "This is the cake that Zhaoruo and I went to choose half a month ago. You will definitely like it."     Wen Yan opened the box, it was actually an ordinary birthday cake, but there was a little man made of sugar on it, wearing a school uniform With a cold expression, you can tell who it is.     He smiled, "Thank you."

    Shi Jiakai breathed a sigh of relief, "I originally wanted to order an ordinary cake, so I can't go wrong, but Zhao Ruo said it was too plain, so I asked the clerk to help make a decoration based on you, and the image was drawn by Zhao Ruo himself. Ding Xiao praised: "

    If Ruoruo is really powerful, just a few strokes will outline Brother Yan's demeanor, and he will not recognize the wrong person."

    Ren Zhaoruo touched his nose shyly, "Oh, don't praise me, today's protagonist is not me. Yeah."

    Originally, Wen Yan was a little regretful that he didn't eat the cake made by Ren Zhaoruo himself, but after hearing this, his mood suddenly improved, and the more he looked at this candy man, the cuter he became.

    Does this mean that he has a certain place in her heart? If not, how could he describe his appearance? If it was Wen Yan himself, let him draw the classmates around him and he couldn't draw it.

    Wen Yan looked at the cake, her eyes full of joy, "Thank you, I like it very much."

    Ren Zhaoruo pursed her lips and smiled, "You like it. Come and make a wish with candles!"

    Wen Yan closed his eyes, he used to think it was naive, When celebrating his birthday at home, he skips the wish-making link every time. He is not a naive child, and he does not believe that making a wish is of any use. He does not rely on his own efforts to realize his dream.

    But now he wanted to give it a try, to see if the wish could actually come true.

    After Wen Yan made her wish, she opened her eyes and took a knife to divide the cake into several pieces.

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