Chapter 97

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Chapter 97 False Sweet Text

    "Think about it for yourself, don't leave any regrets for yourself, and watch her go to others."

    Yu Yansheng left after saying what he wanted to say, leaving Wen Yan alone.

    Wen Yan knew that what Yu Yansheng said was right, but it was difficult to implement. In the final analysis, he was too much-faced, unwilling to take the initiative, and acted forward and backward, so he was so entangled.

    He did think about confessing to Ren Zhaoruo, but when he thought that Ren Zhaoruo would reject him, he lost his momentum. He wasn't 100% sure, he wasn't confident that he would get a response from her. Rather than being ashamed after being rejected, he might as well not say a word.

    Wen Yan's face was preserved, but when he thought of Ren Zhaoruo and Shao Wenbin, his heart would tug and tug.

    He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Now that his mood is not stable, he should calm down before thinking.

    Moreover, he also had to confirm whether Ren Zhaoruo really liked Shao Wenbin. If so, he would not confess to her, bury his heart in the depths of his heart, and hope that she will be happy.

    If she doesn't like Shao Wenbin, then she will explain her feelings to her.

    ——But now, Wen Yan doesn't think about these things, he wants to adjust his mentality and not be affected by these things. The most important thing in the third year of high school is learning, and feelings can be put aside first.

    He also needs time to change himself, don't be so concerned about face, or as Yu Yansheng said, watch Ren Zhaoruo walk towards other people with his own eyes.


    Ren Zhaoruo was not having a good time today. She saw Shao Wenbin being hit by a basketball in front of her, her nose was bleeding non-stop, and her heart was so panicked that when she sent him to the infirmary, her hands were shaking .

    But she stabilized her emotions, took care of Shao Wenbin, who was uncomfortable, and accompanied him after school. After watching him get into the car safely, she could really relax.

    After returning home, she took a bath with hot water, which calmed her down and drank a bowl of hot soup boiled by Aunt Huang, and she finally found herself.

    Ren Zhaoruo quickly completed the rest of her homework and played with her phone before going to bed. During the day, she didn't have the heart to chat with others at all. There were many unread messages she didn't have time to reply, and now she has the time to check them.     The study committee sent her several speeches and briefly explained the content of the next grade meeting to her, and she remembered that she was going to attend the meeting today, but she didn't go because she had to take care of Shao Wenbin, and asked the school committee to go instead of her.     Ren Zhaoruo replied with a few words of thanks to him, and recorded what he repeated. The other party replied that there was no need to thank him, but if he wanted to attend next time, could he not go with Wen Yan? He was afraid.     Seeing his reply, Ren Zhaoruo couldn't help laughing. In the eyes of others, is Wen Yan such a terrifying existence?     When it comes to Wen Yan, she feels a little sorry for him. Today, her attention is on the injured Shao Wenbin. She didn't discuss the content with him in time after the meeting, and he didn't say anything to herself. She always felt a little embarrassed.     She immediately opened the chat interface with Wen Yan and sent him a message.     "162: I'm really bothering you today! I'll invite you to dinner next time~"     Wen Yan didn't reply immediately. Ren Zhaoruo waited for a long time and didn't receive any new news. Could it be that he fell asleep? She cut out to read the group news, and Wen Yan didn't speak in their chat group recently, probably because she was too busy with her studies.     Not wanting to wait here, Ren Zhaoruo went to pack up his schoolbags, washed before going to bed, and then lay back on the bed to prepare for sleep, and finally got Wen Yan's reply.     "Yan: It doesn't matter."     "162: The academic committee has already told me the content of the meeting. If you have any questions, you can tell me at any time."     "Yan: Well."     "162: It's getting late, I Don't delay your rest, good night ^o^"     "Yan: good night."

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