Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 Rounding is to see the parents

    Ren Zhaoruo's grandparents' nanny went home to visit relatives. Only his grandfather and grandmother were at home. Ren's mother was worried about the safety of the two elderly people, so she brought them to Ren's family to live for a while.

    The two old people wanted to refuse, but they couldn't resist the thought of missing their grandchildren, so they agreed to their daughter's invitation to live in Ren's house.

    During this period of time, Ren's father could be said to be a man with his tail between his tails, and he didn't dare to show his air. Even though he had been married to Ren's mother for many years, he was still worried that his father-in-law and mother-in-law had a bad impression of him and regretted marrying his daughter to him.

    God knows that his father-in-law and mother-in-law feel guilty and regret agreeing to this marriage. Fortunately, the daughter and son-in-law really love each other, otherwise they really hate themselves for life.

    Ren Zhaoruo, who learned what they were thinking, smiled and said nothing. It turned out that it was so interesting to see all this happening from the perspective of God. I can't remember how shocked she was a year ago when she learned of her parents' original ending. Fortunately, she changed the plot and those tragedies would not happen.

    So she can now see it all as a family comedy and not have to worry about what's missing.

    Ren Zhaoruo welcomed the arrival of her grandfather and grandmother, but she usually had to attend classes, and the two old people had already rested after school, and the time they spent together was only on weekends, so she refused the invitation of her friend to invite her out to play, and left the time to her grandparents. She wants to be by their side.

    It was rare that she didn't sleep late on Saturday morning. She got up early in the morning and ate breakfast with her eyes half-open. Even her mother couldn't help laughing.

    "Is Ruoruo so sleepy? Why don't you sleep for a while?"

    Ren Zhaoruo gave her a listless look, "I want to accompany grandpa and grandma."

    Grandma smiled and put fried eggs for her, "Ruoruo is really good, grandma didn't I hurt you in vain."

    "Thank you, grandma." Ren Zhaoruo took a bite of the egg, which tasted like chewing wax.

    When he finally finished his breakfast, Ren Zhaoruo didn't know what he had just eaten, he just had to fill his stomach anyway.

    The two old people wanted to stroll in the community, and Ren Zhaoruo put on light sports clothes and walked with them in the community.

    This is the most famous wealthy area in Tang City. The houses are surrounded by mountains and rivers. The landscaping is designed by professional masters. The facilities are complete and better than the houses in the city center.

    Ren Zhaoruo followed her grandparents and kept taking pictures with her mobile phone. It was rare to get up early once, so she wanted to record the scenery on the road.

    The Ren family was in the middle of the mountain, and the three of them went down the road to the foot of the mountain. Ren Zhaoruo was young and had no problem, but the elderly grandfather and grandmother were exhausted and sat on the chair beside him to rest. They looked at the nearby villa, and suddenly caught their attention.

    "This family also has flowers." Grandpa's eyes lit up, "It looks like they are taking good care of them."

    My grandfather loves flowers and plants, and my mother is also influenced by him to grow flowers at home. When talking about flowers and plants, I can’t stop talking. I can’t wait to instill the knowledge of flowers and plants that he knows to others, so that everyone can grow flowers with him.

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