Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

    The second day after Ren Zhaoruo's final exam, the Ren family also received good news that the change of household registration had been processed. Xu Cheming, no, he should be called Ren Cheming, he is now a real member of the Ren family, from household registration to surname , are all members of the Ren family.

    As his sister, Ren Zhaoruo accompanies Ren Cheming to get a new ID card. She stayed up late last night to watch a drama, and got up early this morning. She yawned several times in a row, and wanted to go home quickly and take a nap. .

    She was about to talk to Ren Cheming when she saw him standing there, looking at the ID card in his hand without saying a word.

    Ren Zhaoruo suddenly became energetic, guessing what happened to him. It could not be because the photo of the ID card was not good-looking. She obviously accompanied her there, so how could she not be handsome.

    That's...the reason for the name?

    The names of the three children of the Ren family, Qingmeng, Yiyun, Zhaoruo, were all based on poems. Compared with the word "Cheming", their names are indeed more meaningful. Moreover, the name Yiyun originally belonged to him, but it was used by others. He could never use the name back, so he could only change the surname Xu.

    Ren Zhaoruo stepped forward, took his arm, and joked, "Whose handsome guy is this? Even the ID photo looks so good-oh, so it's my brother."

    One advantage is that Ren Zhaoruo can act coquettishly and pretend to be stupid, and the family will not suspect that she is pretending. She usually looks like this cute and innocent face to her family, plus she is young, everything is reasonable. of.

    With this advantage, she can ease the awkward atmosphere and make the sad person smile.

    Ren Cheming didn't speak, just smiled and rubbed her head.

    "Clear and clear, it's a really good name." Ren Zhaoruo grinned at him, "Brother, I just found out that both of our names have a word next to 'Sun', Zhao also means bright, just look at our two names. You can tell they are brothers and sisters by their names."

    "Xiao Xiao and the others say that I am Little Sun, and that brother is Big Sun?"

    Ren Cheming was amused by her, and joked, "You also have a 'brother' named Zhiming, you are two Ming is surrounded."

    "Hey, yes." Ren Zhaoruo nodded, seeing that his face was normal, not looking sad, and said, "Brother, let's go back, I'm so sleepy."

    Ren Cheming said, "Yesterday Staying up late again?"

    "Yes, yes." Ren Zhao laughed a few times, how could she forget that he is now her 'health coach', "It's the first day of vacation, it's okay to stay up all night."

    Ren Cheming Helplessly shook his head, "Okay, but it won't be like this in a few days."

    "Mmmm." Ren Zhaoruo said quickly, "Let's go!"

    Ren Cheming followed her sister's wishes and got into the car with her to return to Ren's house.

    Moving to Liyuan District was the beginning, and changing his surname was the end. He officially said goodbye to his past self. He was no longer the orphan who lost his parents. He had parents, sisters and sisters. He is Ren Cheming, not Xu Cheming.


    A few days later, the Ren family went on a trip, and Ren Yiyun also went with him. His relationship with Ren Cheming was still a little awkward. Ren Cheming had a natural attitude towards him, mainly because of his own feelings. Ren Cheming was alone.

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