Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Wen Yan's Careful Thoughts (Three Watches in One)

    Tomorrow is Shi Jiakai's birthday party. It is the first time for Wen Yan to celebrate birthdays for people other than his family. He doesn't know how to get along with them.

    However, Wen Yan stood at the door of the cloakroom, looking at his clothes with a heavy face.

    His wardrobe is only black, black and black, black jacket, black sweater, black T-shirt and black pants, so colorful that no other color can be seen. The only color is the school uniform of Mingyuan Middle School.

    Wen Yan was silent, he was doubting his life - when did he buy so many black clothes, he almost couldn't recognize the word 'black'.

    He picked out two pieces of clothes at random. Although they were both of the same color, they had different styles. He was not the kind of person who liked to wear one piece of clothing and bought several pieces of the same style instead.

    Oh, he remembered that when he was a child, he thought black was synonymous with cool, and he had to buy everything in black. Hearing his father and mother, he thought black was unlucky at first, but then he went with him, and even buying him new clothes was a priority. Black.

    Over time, his wardrobe was filled with black, and he didn't realize that something was wrong, and it was funny to think about it now.

    - He can't wear all black to celebrate someone's birthday, can he?

    Wen Yan glanced at his phone. It was five o'clock in the afternoon and the shopping mall was still open. He quickly changed into his clothes and rushed to the largest mall in Tang City. He is not worried about the price, he is worried about not being able to find what he likes.


    Wen Yan stood on the men's clothing floor and looked at the various stores. Each brand featured a different style. Before shopping, remove some options. First rule out black clothes, there are so many black clothes in the cloakroom, he doesn't need to buy new ones.

    The down jacket... looks too bloated and doesn't complement his figure. Suits are too serious, like attending a meeting rather than a party. Too sporty and inappropriate...

    Wen Yan used to accompany Wen's mother to the mall for shopping. Every time Wen's mother struggled with which clothes to buy, he was in great pain. He didn't understand why she thought about it for so long. Now that the feng shui turns, it is his turn to worry about what style of clothes to choose.

    He simply took out his mobile phone and went online to check other people's opinions - what clothes do boys wear to look handsome.

    Wen Yan was leaning against the railing alone. If he was on the women's clothing floor, others might think he was waiting for his girlfriend. And he is now in the men's clothing layer, with his hands empty, standing there alone, playing with his mobile phone impatiently, and everyone passing by looks back at him.

    "He's not waiting for his boyfriend, is he?"

    Wen Yan heard the voice of a passerby on the tip of his ears. He raised his head and found that the girl hurriedly looked away, holding her boyfriend's arm, pretending that it wasn't him just now.

    "He looks so handsome! Woohoo, but why do good-looking boys like boys too? I don't have a chance?"

    "What did you say in front of your boyfriend, who is me?"

    "Sorry I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, you listen to my explanation..."

    Wen Yan: "..."

    This 'he' is probably himself, and the other party mistakenly thinks that he is waiting for a boyfriend... Wen Yan's head is full of black lines, so he can't Thinking in a better direction? For example, his girlfriend helps him choose clothes inside, and he comes out to stroll when he is bored. Why does he think he is waiting for his boyfriend?

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