Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 About the Future

    Qian Zihong has been very lost recently. His "Snow White and the Seven Little Tall Men" couldn't sign up for the party because he couldn't find a suitable actor, and he couldn't win glory for the class.

    He was in a low mood for several days in a row. Shi Jiakai couldn't bring a smile back to his face even with his proposal to invite him to dinner. In the end, he could only coax him to say that he would definitely make his appearance at the party next year. Only then did Qian Zihong change. Back to the lively boy before.

    Although Qian Zihong's dream of starting a business has not yet collapsed, there is still a classmate in Class 7 who successfully broke through the program and will play the piano solo at the party. Ren Zhaoruo also joins the others to listen to her etudes.     Seeing her classmates sitting in front of the piano and playing, Ren Zhaoruo was very envious. When she was a child, she was arranged by Ren's parents and mothers to learn the piano, but she did not persevere. Looking back now, I feel annoyed at why I didn't keep learning. Maybe she is now a pianist who has resounded both at home and abroad - ahem, it's too much.     Is it still too late to learn the piano again? Should I discuss it with my parents... But I don't know if I can stick to it, so let's think about it carefully.     Ren Zhaoruo thought about it, the time passed again, and there was still a week left before the cultural evening.     What does the party mean to students? Half a day without classes and nights with self-study, and a three-day vacation when you get home from school and play—how wonderful!     On the way to the auditorium one day, Ren Zhaoruo avoided the busy staff and looked up to see that many corners of the school had been decorated to welcome the New Year. It just happened to be snowing lightly today, the decorations swayed with the wind, and the snowflakes were falling, creating a beautiful feeling.     Ren Zhaoruo exhaled a mass of hot air and couldn't help but sigh: The end of the year is coming so soon. The first semester of high school is about to end, and in the blink of an eye, she might be going to the second year of high school.     She came to the entrance of the auditorium. The sufficient heating made her frozen body like a popsicle come alive. She took off her heavy down jacket and trotted to Zhu Qian's side.

    For the rest of the week, everyone was nervously preparing for the party. The four hosts had to go through the whole process of rehearsal, and students who had performances had to play on stage.

    The staff has to calculate the duration of each performance so that they can master the whole party process and how to solve if there are any emergencies, such as which lights suddenly go out or the sound fails.     It was the first time for Ren Zhaoruo and others to participate in such a large-scale event, and they learned a lot from the staff. This is not the same as a family gathering. It is more professional, and it is not for friends and relatives that you are familiar with. It will not tolerate your mistakes. You must do your best.     Sometimes these little hosts have nothing to do, and they will be asked by the staff to help set up the auditorium.     Zhu Qian said to Ren Zhaoruo next to her while sticking the decorations: "I suddenly became interested in the profession of event planning, it seems to be quite fun, and I can deal with many people I know and don't know, and I can gain more knowledge.     Ren Zhaoruo nodded, "Yes, although the body is very hard, but the spirit is still relaxed, and it is happier than those who sit in the office and work their brains every day." "     Zhaoruo, have you thought about the future ?" What major do you want to study?" Zhu Qian's expression was serious, "You are a very thoughtful person in my heart, and I want to know what you think."     Talking about this question, Ren Zhaoruo's face showed confusion, and his hands Her movements slowed, she thought about how to answer.     The Ren family has enough strength to allow Ren Zhaoruo to pursue her dream. The company does not need her to inherit, and her sister is there to support her. If she wants to return to Ren's work, she can arrange a position for me at any time. If she wants to develop her own interests and hobbies, she can also choose to drop out of school to explore the meaning of life like her brother.     She doesn't need to worry about food and clothing, let alone sacrifice her future for her family, so she doesn't know what she really needs and what she wants.

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