Chapter 83

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Chapter 83 Farewell to Yuan District

    The road in the alley is bumpy, and once it rains, there will be water everywhere. Ren Zhaoruo is glad that he is wearing sneakers today, otherwise it would be really difficult to maintain balance on this kind of road.

    When I looked up, I saw clothes hanging from the wires. It may be because the buildings here are relatively close together, and wet clothes cannot be dried completely, so the residents hang their clothes in a place where they can get sunlight.

    Originally, Ren Zhaoruo didn't know these things, but Zhu Qian mentioned it to her - Zhu Qian wanted to use the prize money from the competition to buy a washing machine with drying function for her family, but her parents said that it is better to save money than waste money. , She asked curiously, only to know that the balcony of Zhu Qian's house was very close to the building next door.     At that time, Ren Zhaoruo couldn't imagine such a thing, the Ren family could be exposed to the sun everywhere, and couldn't understand what Zhu Qian meant. But until now, only after seeing it with her own eyes did she know that what Zhu Qian said was true. Her nose was sore, what kind of life did my brother live in before.     Xu Cheming looked back at Ren Zhaoruo, and did not see any disgust or pitiful expression on her face, and his nervousness relaxed a lot. He was very afraid that Ren Zhaoruo would look down on this place. Although the life in Yuan District was very difficult, this place was always his home, and he had lived here for more than ten years.     It's not like he likes it, but it's also a place of great significance to him. He could understand that Ren Zhaoruo, who had lived a prosperous life since childhood, would not like it here, but he didn't really want to see her showing her dislike.     Fortunately, if Ren Zhao didn't have any special reaction, he wouldn't feel sorry for it.     Finally arrived at his 'home', Xu Cheming said softly: "Here we are."     Ren Zhaoruo looked at the dilapidated residential building and smiled at Xu Cheming, "Okay."     She followed behind Xu Cheming, there was no elevator in this building, so she had to walk Go upstairs. However, Xu Cheming lives on the fourth floor, the floor is not high, and she is not a person who lacks exercise, so walking a few stairs is nothing.     Xu Cheming took out the key and opened the last door.

    He reminded embarrassingly, "The house is a bit small."

    Ren Zhaoruo shook his head, "It's okay." The

    house is indeed not big. Although it is one bedroom and one living room, the living room and rooms are very small. The only room was not a bedroom, it was transformed into a study by Xu Cheming, with a large bookcase and desk, and a wardrobe for storing clothes. The bed was placed in the living room, partitioned into half sleeping and half eating.

    Learning used to be Xu Cheming's only way out. He had to read with his heart to get out of the predicament, so he would rather sleep in the living room and leave room for study so that he could study with peace of mind.

    Xu Cheming poured Ren Zhaoruo a glass of water and asked her to sit down for a rest. He turned around and went into the bedroom to pack up. Ren Zhaoruo didn't sit down, but looked around.

    The area is small, but the owner makes good use of every space and makes every space come in handy. Xu Cheming was very good at packing things, and opened the door of the cabinet at will, and the items inside were neatly arranged. It was obvious that he was a very good person.

    There are still some half-used condiments in the kitchen, and it seems that he will still cook at home.

    When Xu Cheming came out of the room, he didn't see his sister sitting on the sofa. Instead, he was studying with a bottle of soy sauce in the kitchen.

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