Chapter 98

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Chapter 98 Wen Yan's Determination

    Wen Yan's intentional estrangement, even the dullest person would find something wrong.

    Even someone with thick lines like Qian Zihong thought Wen Yan's recent attitude was strange, let alone other people. Usually, if he and Shi Jiakai called Wen Yan to play basketball, Wen Yan would still agree, but that was the limit.

    Wen Yan no longer participates in their chats. He usually sits alone after class, either doing questions or sleeping on the desk. He doesn't even speak to their chat group.     Qian Zihong asked others what was going on, but no one could answer his question. Ding Xiao, who was not in the same class, speculated that Wen Yan stopped playing with them because he was under a lot of study pressure, for fear of affecting his grades.     This reason may not sound very good, but it is indeed possible. Among them, Wen Yan had the best grades, followed by Fang Jiexin and Ren Zhaoruo. Now that his studies are so intense, he concentrates on his studies and does not interact with them, which sounds acceptable.     What's more, Wen Yan's character is difficult to describe with an accurate word. Some things will be strange if others do it, but it becomes understandable when applied to him. I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.     Shi Jiakai is unreliable, and Qian Zihong can only put his hope on Ren Zhaoruo, hoping that she can solve his doubts.     But Qian Zihong found out that the relationship between Ren Zhaoruo and Wen Yan seems to be more embarrassing than he is now, at least the boys can use basketball instead of verbal communication, but Ren Zhaoruo and Wen Yan really have nothing to talk about. Moreover, Ren Zhaoruo was the only one of the opposite sex who could talk to Wen Yan. Even she and Wen Yan didn't talk much, and no one could answer Qian Zihong's question.     Qian Zihong scratched his head, not knowing how to deal with the current situation.     Shi Jiakai didn't want to care about him, but he couldn't resist Qian Zihong dangling in front of him every day, so he could only calm him down.     "Maybe Brother Yan just doesn't want to play with us. You have been classmates with him for a few years. Can you understand his character? If he refuses to tell you the reason, it's useless to guess."

    Qian Zihong felt very sad when he heard it. He regarded Wen Yan as his brother, but Wen Yan didn't seem to think so.

    "Think about it, after your second grade in high school, your relationship with your former classmates has become estranged. In fact, this is normal." Shi Jiakai sighed, "How about this, I invite everyone to come to my house during the New Year's Day holiday and find a If he is willing to come, it means he still regards us as friends, but he doesn't talk to us much because of his studies."

    "If he refuses to come..."

    Shi Jiakai didn't finish his words, but Qian Zi Macro understood what he meant, as if there was no other way.

    Ren Zhaoruo didn't know what they were planning, and when she heard Shi Jiakai say to let her play at his house, she quickly nodded. Anyway, they live in the same community, so it's convenient to come and go, and it's good to relax with friends.

    She was not so worried about her studies in the third year of junior high, or because she set her goals too high. In order to realize her dreams, she is now studying like a desperate one.

    If it wasn't for Shi Jiakai's suggestion to go to his house during the New Year's Day holiday, Ren Zhaoruo would not have known that the end of the year was approaching.

    High school seniors basically have no chance to participate in the activities organized by the school, not to mention whether they can take time out of the piles of papers. In order to let them focus on their studies, the school does not allow seniors to sign up for any activities.

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